Nation Bulletin

Battle of Saipan

Major Wars

By Pseunom Jason The First
02/22/2023 04:41 pm
Updated: 02/22/2023 04:41 pm

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Battle of Saipan, Year 1943. - In November 16, 1943, in the midst of World War 2. The battle of Saipan was a major battle. The German forces came into the French lands and fought. The French had an amazing defense with the Germans barely making progress. France was not losing Saipan to the Germans, it was an economic center. Losing it, would lead to morale dropping and losing lots of money. 


The French had just flanked the German forces and reduced their numbers by 100s. The Germans attacked with nearly 100,000 soldiers. The French had half of that with 65,000 soldiers defending Saipan.  The Germans weren't coordinated so they sent 50,000 to attack in the front, and saved the rest. What they don't know, is the French's desire, to win.


When the other 50,000 arrived to help the Germans, they discovered many bodies. They looked around, not a single German was alive. The French had managed to kill every single one of 50,000 Germans. The remaining 50,000 Germans threw gas bombs into the city to kill the French no problem. It seemed to work


But then, 1,000s of French came running out, foaming out the mouth, they were still ready to fight. The Germans were frightened and ran as fast as they could. The sight of the French in that state, scared them to their core, leading them to run out of the city. The French had successfully managed to defend Geneva. The French killed a total of 51,897 Germans, while they lost only 22,532 soldiers. This was a major battle, and was a triumph for the French people.


Casualties : 74,429

Injured : 50,000

Total Soldiers : 165,000

Status : French Victory


Posted February 22, 2023 at 8:21 am

I didn't intend this to be real. It fictional. If you are talking about the mistake in the last paragraph, then yeah. Accidentally put Geneva instead of Saipan.
