Nation Bulletin

Crime Rate Due To Drugs Rise

Police Taskforce reports 10% increase in drug-related crimes

By John Khoo - Kah News Network
02/21/2023 07:13 pm
Updated: 02/21/2023 07:13 pm

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On 22 May 2085, the Police Taskforce published a new report indicating that the crime rate due to drug-related offences for the first-quarter of 2085 has increased. It has increased by 10% compared to the crime rate in the last-quarter of 2084. This increase in drug-related offences from 500 to 550, is raising concerns for the government as it has long been on a downward trend but unknowingly picked up recently. 

Responding to media queries, the Police Taskforce said that it is currently unable to pinpoint the exact cause for the resulting offences. Some have suspected for it to be related to the rise in drug-related offences as observed by Systems Empire. For now, there is not enough evidence to support the theory.


Posted February 21, 2023 at 3:48 pm

Just let them have drugs,Thats what ive been doing

also crackheads can work as cheep labor
