Nation Bulletin

Boxes and children and total chaos

I was dared to do this, okay?

By war criminal geese?
02/19/2023 03:36 am
Updated: 02/19/2023 03:36 am

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Okay... for some context as to why this bulletin is being created, I was talking with one of my friends and allies when he asked me a simple question:

"Dare or dare?"

Now, I answered... with "Dare," because I didn't think it'd be too bad, right?

Hah, well, now I'm stuck making this. So, yes. Please send mental aid to both me and all readers of this bulletin. Thank you.

Okay... so let's begin...


Yes, uh, they're boxes, and they exist...

Wait, what am I supposed to say about them?

checks the message

Oh. Okay. Uh, I... like boxes? They're interesting, maybe? Because... you can store things in them? Okay, I don't know what explaining there is to do here. Boxes are cool because you can use boxes to organize stuff, if you're organized enough to organize the stuff into organized boxes of organization! Except, I'm not organized at all, so it won't work! Yay, BOXES!

Ah, what the heck am I supposed to put in this thing?


The more concerning element of this bulletin...

Now, as a legal disclaimer, anything said in this segment of the bulletin is untruthful and cannot be used as evidence against me, including in the GW court because I actually don't know what happened to my supposedly illegal trial that was being held by RoDevs in there. And part 2 of this legal disclaimer: do not try this at home, for both the safety of yourself and others, and because I'd rather not be involved with this. Thanks!

Moving on from my wonderful disclaimer...

Kidnapping children...

I don't know what to say about it, but... I guess I'm supposed to be explaining it, and I don't know how one would approach kidnapping children since I've never tried it myself.

sips herbal tea (best drink, L beer drinkers)

Okay. So, uh, I think you could kidnap children by enticing them to come to your car with candy (a van is preferred, but anything works), and then you proceed to give them said candy and...

asks if she can just give the child candy and then leave


Um... fine.

Okay, so then you drive off into the distance and then the child vanishes and is never seen again........




I regret this already, and I haven't even posted it...

But I suppose a dare is a dare, and I must proceed to write an insane bulletin.

So, yes. Please do not kidnap children...

casually hides the five children I've hidden in my attic


Posted February 19, 2023 at 6:38 pm

I am actually not British. I live in the U.S. but my family isn't from here (I'm a second generation American, but not British).

And, no, RoDevs, I'd rather not have your beer, thanks. Especially because I think you'd probably give me poisoned RoDevian beer or something. Why not try some tea for a change (the superior drink)?

Posted February 20, 2023 at 12:26 am

I've had tea before....

Don't even get me on that one.

Posted February 20, 2023 at 12:57 am

I have not had beer. So I can't exactly compare.

Herbal tea is actually so good though-

Posted February 20, 2023 at 9:29 pm


Posted February 20, 2023 at 10:42 pm

No, I will not, because I am a minor and that is illegal, and I would rather not break the law.

Posted February 26, 2023 at 6:00 pm

Those have no place in the box :)
