Nation Bulletin

Economy nears free fall, gold prices rise, silver loan trouble, controversial decision

Gavastek Broadcasting Network

By Petr Berglund
02/10/2023 03:45 pm
Updated: 02/10/2023 03:45 pm

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GBN-           To follow up with the national gold reserve crisis, the economy is nearing a free-fall, as crowds of citizens have en-mass made countless metal conversions. Despite reassurance from the government, the public continues to complete metal transactions, should public worries of the gold standard collapsing becoming true, in attempts to save any future wealth. Also, the country is seeing threats of strikes across multiple industries, as workers demand pay in coinage over paper. This again threatens to collapse the national economy. 

           Furthermore, as the MFR attempt to retrieve our gold from the post-coup republic of Canada, gold prices have risen considerably as people worry of large scale shortages. The rise in gold costs has seen a massive deflation in the value of the Rine in comparing to international exchange rates. And although this temporarily fixes the inflation problems within the last week, it only further destabilises the currency.


          The government, several days ago, attempted to halt or at the very least ease the gold standard problem, by temporarily introducing greater silver bond loans from other countries. We saw as a result a sudden importation of 50.000 kg of silver. Unfortunately, in all of its hastiness, the contract stipulated a shorter loan length than hoped for, and 3,4% interest, 1,4% higher than previously believed to be.


           Finally, several people have begun protesting outside of the National Assembly building when the Executive council began their daily session, over bill signed into law yesterday that would limit the amount of gold and silver a person would be able to convert a week, upon its going into effect in 4 days. 

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