Nation Bulletin

Republican Ships Dock At Chittagong Ports

Republican Ships Docking

By NNBS Breaking
02/05/2023 03:15 am
Updated: 02/05/2023 03:15 am

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After the sudden news of a declaration of war upon the United Provinces of Japan by the Japanese Isles, Comrade Arun Sampath's first act as Supreme Winner was to prepare Republican forces for a war to defend her allies. Several Republican ships have now been relocated to Chittagong with aims of ultimately reaching Japan. Most of the news on this move is confidential but from what we know, it would appear that the following number of vessels are now at Chittagong port:

2 carriers (carrying 50 fighter bombers each)
30 cruisers
30-40 destroyers
50 troop transports (each carrying anywhere from 800-1000 soldiers)
20-35 submarines
20 corvettes

This just goes to show that our country is willing to defend our allies if they ever get attacked. What this could hold for the future is unknown however.


Posted February 04, 2023 at 9:18 pm


Posted February 04, 2023 at 11:22 pm

Thanks for the info
