Nation Bulletin

Herman Hertz: From Home Runs to Grassroots Football

Retiring Plumbago Penguin Hertz reflects on his career and sets his sights on a new challenge

By Presidente Moretti
02/03/2023 10:22 pm
Updated: 02/03/2023 10:22 pm

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It's Frosty Insider here. Bringing you an exclusive interview with the one and only Herman Hertz. 


Frosty Insider: Welcome, Mr. Hertz. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us today.

Herman Hertz: Thank you bro. It's a pleasure to be here.

Frosty Insider: So, after 20 years playing professional baseball, you've just retired from the Plumbago Penguins. How are you feeling?

Herman Hertz: A bit bittersweet, to be honest with you. Baseball has been such a massive part of my life, and it's going to be strange now, you know, not being out on the field every day. But at the same time, I'm  sure looking forward to what the future holds.


Frosty Insider: "Herman, you've had a long and successful career with the Plumbago Penguins. What would you say was the highlight of your time with the team?"

Herman Hertz: "That's a tough one, aye Frosty. There have been so many memorable moments over the years, but if I had to pick one, it would be the time we won the Baseball Antarctica Cup against the Monton Bears Corp. That was a truly unforgettable game, and to be a part of a championship-winning team was an incredible feeling. The energy in Penguin Park that day was electric, and to see so many people come together to support us was truly special. It's a memory that will stay with me forever."


Frosty Insider: And what are your future plans?

Herman Hertz: Well, believe it or not bro. I've been thinking a lot about starting a local grassroots football team, maybe even a 5-a-side team. I'm passionate about helping young people get involved in sports and staying active, and I think this could be a great way to give back to my community.

Frosty Insider: That's a great idea, Mr. Hertz. I'm sure there are many young people in Plumbago who would love to play on your team.

Herman Hertz: That's the hope, Frosty. I'm still in the early stages of planning, but I'm excited about the possibilities and I can't wait to get started.

Frosty Insider: Well, we wish you all the best, Mr. Hertz. Thank you again for speaking with us today.

Herman Hertz: Thank you, Frosty. It's been a pleasure.