Nation Bulletin

Danthersa sends 5th armed division to stabilize Mexico

Along with Hunton

By Danthersain Department of Defense(DDOD)
01/23/2023 11:55 pm
Updated: 01/23/2023 11:55 pm

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Today, James Aferi authorized the 5th armed division to be sent in the Northern Territory near Mexico City to clear out cartels and stabilize the place. 

The reason is that because many Danthersains are traveling in and out of Mexico and right now Mexico is going through a drug war. These troops are stabilizing and taking out dangerous cartels and bringing them back to Danthersa for jail time.

5th Armed Division


The Division has about 8,500 trained troops. These aren’t just regular troops. This division is made to operate dangerous missions like taking out a general and more. 

This was made and the Danthersain department of defense.


Posted January 24, 2023 at 12:28 pm

I’ll text him rn
