Nation Bulletin

Maghreb stability returns after unifier Gopnik changes the work schedule

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

By The ministry of information and broadcasting
01/14/2023 10:16 pm
Updated: 12/18/2023 08:46 pm

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After the unifier thankuflly healed from his injury on July 5th 2083, he gave a speech on that same day in which he said:

It is saddening to watch a man fight his brother and a family breaking up over a silly problem such as chores responsibility. Sadly, this is, pretty much, what's happening to our beautiful union. You rebels are blocking the streets, disturbing peace and harming and killing your working brothers and sisters just because you don't want to do your duty. Apparently, there is no other way to stop your pointless rage other than solving something not related to job enforcement. So, starting on the 10th of July 2083 until next month (10th of September 2083), all city halls will place glass boxes with papers and pens beside them with which you will submit your complaints about your working environment or your job generally.

On the 10th of July 2083, at 11:59, over 80000 complaints have been submitted already! Well, that sounds like hell of a pain for the workers in the ministry of employment. Their job is to read the complaints starting on the 10th of September 2083, class them in topics and calculate the dominating complaint topic. Don't worry, they have been offered a great payment and it was voluntary.

On the 10th of September 2083, the total number of colplaints were over 1.2 millions submissions. It tooks the workers 5 days to class them. In the end, the result indicated that most submissions were about the working schedules being tiring and unhealthy.

On the 17th of September 2083, the official Tunisian govenrment and ministry of employment social media accounts posted the following text:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

The unifier Gopnik has ordered to change the working schedules for all jobs (private or local) to the following:

  • Working hours are changed from 8-5 hours a day to 5-2 hours per day
  • Days on which workers must work are changed from 5 days a week (Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday) to 4 days a week:

-For Muslims: Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday

-For non-Muslims: Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Friday

These changes will be applied starting on the 1st of October 2083

Since then, protests have ended and the rebels became satisfied as their jobs are no longer as tiring and abusive as before.

Two months later, on December 15th 2083, researchers found that the country's GDP has decreased by 1.6% due to the significant decrease in working time. Even if that sounds bad, the net income remained high enough to keep the union economically stable.

That is all for today. We wish you, Maghrebis, a great day, ان شاء الله