Nation Bulletin

Economic Rebound and the Foreign Raids Campaign: Are There Alternatives?

How has the Foreign Raids Campaign impacted life at home?

By Senior Author of the Roosevelt Daily John Strombo
07/15/2021 10:35 am
Updated: 12/27/2021 07:14 pm

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Unfortunately, the United Imperium has been plunged into war with foreign adversary. The President, a former Air Force pilot himself, has expressed regret over the loss of the 131 soldiers and tank operatives abroad, but also congratulated the nation's armed forces for their bravery in foreign soil, and in particular, Admiral Christian Nimitz . As the war rages, the economy has rapidly rebounded, with the GDP soaring to new heights. With the increase in Resource and Weapons productions, there are now more jobs, more opportunities, and more willingness to support the nation. However, was there a need for this war? Congress claims that helping the TAP alliance is an absolute imperative as a member, but the President is yet to speak out on the conflict beyond his speech last week in remembrance of the fallen. Many analysts suspect the President's motives are more inclined to economic gain with this war, an idea strengthened by rumors of a top-secret artillery program. If such is the case, then what are the alternatives? The President has been reluctant to create farming and ecology related bailouts and programs, and the only piece of protected land in the United Imperium is the Former Michigan National Shoreline. Such programs would be far better for increasing food production, which would create a viable export, and would boost our tourism industry, adding extra revenue. Unfortunately, the only thing we can do now is hope for a quick end to the wars, and the continued stability of our economy.