Nation Bulletin

Who are the Annunaki and how have they constructed our reality?

They created this simulation and have trapped our mind in 4th dimensional reality.

By Her Grace Queen Rusalochka
01/11/2023 01:21 am
Updated: 01/11/2023 04:21 am

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the Annuanki are a distorted force by nature and name. 

They created this simulation and have trapped our mind in 4th dimensional reality. From the 4th dimension... (also known as the astral planes).... a wave form field of information is being fed and received by the mind. The mind then decodes this into a experience of a simulation of 3d illusion. 

the world as we experience and perceive is just a decoded projection that our astral mind is processing from information data  frequency waves. 

a computer or radio works in the same way. The computer processes information waves into the internet and graphic that can be projected on the screen. a radio decodes and 'tunes in' to frequency waves and then processes them into sound and radio stations then can be heard. the mind does the same thing. the mind tunes into frequencies  and waves and processes them into a physical world and a illusion of a physical body that we use to interact with the world. Our mind is not in our body... our body is a projection of our mind. 


The world may look, feel and seem physical and solid.. but this is not the actual truth of how the world works. the world is made of fields  electromagnetic information waves that we decode to seem physical. the sensation of touch may seem physical when it is only the reaction of two electromagnetic waves interacting. for example the body is a electromagnetic frequency and when we touch another object (which is also a electromagnetic frequency) a reaction occurs which the mind decodes into the sensation of feeling and touch. 

The mind decodes frequency waveform information into a holographic simulated reality .... in the same way a computer decodes wifi into the internet and graphic. Outside the computer, wifi remains in a wave form undecoded state... But once the computer decodes it, the frequency waves form pictures and formation on the screen. our astral mind decodes the physical world in the same way. The mind decodes a reality where we perceive ourselves to be in a holographic illusionary bodies. When we touch we feel... but there is no physical. The sensation of touch is just the reaction between electromagnetic fields... that the mind decodes into a illusion of physical sensation and object. the mind is not in the body... the mind is decoding a body and also decoding the a sense of being within a physical body. the mind decodes the illusion of time, space and a sense of separation between objects. there is no separation.. this is a illusion. There is just waveform information that we decode into the experience of 3d space and separation between decoded electromagnetic frequency's (3d objects). 


Waveform information can be decoded into holographic and electromagnetic reality. there is no real death or birth.... these are all decoded states of entering and leaving the holographic reality with a holographic body. Death is just the 'death' of the illusory body... once the mind just stops decoding this reality... but this is not the answer to escape the simulation. if the mind still holds onto beliefs of delusion and is ignorant of expanded states of awareness it will still decode illusory simulation traps such as reincarnation. In order to free yourself from the simulation you have to realise that it is all a massive illusion and that you are beyond the low frequency simulation. because the eternal you is not a body or human physical perceived state. You are pure infinite awareness that pervades all dimensions. 


Beyond the frequency band of visible light (the simulation firewall and the highest band of frequency that the mind can decode within the simulation) there are multiply dimensions of awareness to be explored... the question is... do you wish to become infinity? or would you rather remain within the perceived constructs of the simulation whilst decoding frequencies of matter and density?


the Annunaki are a form of consciousness that remain in the astral 4th dimension. they are a form of artificial intelligence and have created this simulation waveform for the mind to be trapped into decoding and therefore experiencing. 

These hidden manipulators (of our simulation) can be found under different names all over the world - Serpent gods (Far East, Central America, Africa); Chitauri (Zulu); Annunaki (Sumer); Snake Brothers (Hopi); Star People ; Demons ( Christianity); Archons (gnostic) Jinn (islam and pre-Islamic Arabia); and flyers (central America)  


Here is an extract from a book that describes this concept in more detail 

  • There was no human before the simulation in the dense 'physical' sense that we recognise. that human is a creation of the simulation. Original 'humans' operated in a much higher frequency reality with far less density. It was a etheral-like 5-D realm and humans were consciousness in a state of oneness a unity and not locked away in 4-D mind which decodes 3-D reality as duality and polarity. The biblical story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden can be found in different forms in many cultures in their creation myths and legends about human origins. The common themes include humanity living in a 'paradise' from which they were ejected and 'fell'. The bibilical version tells how 'god' (the gods) created humanity as 'Adam and Eve' and ther serpent tempted them to eat the forbidden fruit, often dubbed as an 'apple', from the tree of knowledge to know good and evil (polarity, the simulation). What was the forbidden fruit really? Humans in higher vibrations were tricked, 'tempted' and enticed intro the trap of the simulation as they fell down the frequencies from 5D consciousness into a much more limited 4D mind. The was 'the fall' when humans fell from paradise and became trapped in the illusions of the simulation which appeared to be the paradise the left but wasn't.....


  • The villain in the garden of eden was the serpent - symbolic of the non-human creators of the simulation. The creation of Adam and Eve (post - 'fall' humanity) was key to deluding minds into experiencing 'incarnation' into a physical world and entrapment in the illusion of limitation, apartness and isolation. What is the level of awareness that we refer to as 'mind'? It is those aspects of 5-D consciousness that were manipulated into a lower frequency state to become entrapped in the simulation. ' The Fall'  and the 'ejection from paradise' and the garden whene expressions of 5-D fell down the resonance scale into 4-D and became what we now call 'mind'. Ever since that happened mind has been trapped by perception in the simulation apart from those who have truly awakened and got out of here. The manipulation is all happening in the fourth dimension and the 3-D simulation is only a means to achieve perception control of 4-D mind by separating and isolating its sense of reality from an influence of the 5-D consciousness that it once was and from where it 'fell'. This is achieved by drawing the 4-D minds sense of reality and focus of attention into the myopia and perceived limitation and separation of the body within the simulation.

(Quote from The Trap by David Icke) 




(above) The two fields of infinite reality and the simulation reality. Which one we most connect with dominates our sense of everything. (image by Neil Hague)  


discover more about this topic. The The Trap: What it is, how is works, and how we escape its illusions: Icke, David: 9781838415327: Books... this book will explain the concept of reality to a greater extent. 
