Nation Bulletin

Cascadian Armed Forces

Specifics and Statistics of the CAF

By Dominion Department of Defense
01/08/2023 01:01 pm
Updated: 05/14/2023 11:57 am

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Dominion Army


The Dominion Army are the land forces of the Cascadian Armed Forces. With a total of 2,150,000 members that range from ages 22-50. The Dominion Army possesses small-heavy arms while mainly utilizing medium arms and a large array of armored all terrain vehicle and tanks. The DA is highly skilled and trained in mountaineering, camping, surviving off the land, mountain combat, cold climate combat, desert combat, and traversing extreme terrain and dense forests. 
The current general of the Dominion Army is General Zachary Kiknee.

Dominion Army Composition:

Active Duty Personnel: 300,000
Reserve Personnel: 1,850,000
Battle Tanks: 21,250
Armored Fighting Vehicles: 18,000
Self Propelled Artillery: 240
Towed Artillery: 250
Rocket Projectors: 180



Dominion Air Force


The Dominion Air Force are the arial forces of the Cascadian Armed Forces. With a total of 325,000 members that range from ages 22-45. The DAF currently have access to 1,275 total aircraft. DAF pilots are highly trained and experienced in low-altitude and low-visibility dogfighting.
The current general of the Dominion Air Force is General Meril Banch.

Dominion Air Force Composition:

Air Superiority Fighters: 380
Strike Fighters: 400
Bombers: 120
Transport Aircraft: 120
Attack Helicopters: 70
Combat Rescue Helicopters: 75
Stealth Strike Drones: 90

Dominion Air Force Roundel and Fin Flash:

















Dominion Navy


The Dominion Navy are the naval forces of the Cascadian Armed Forces. With a total of 200,000 members that range from ages 22-48. The DN currently have access to 155 ships. DN marines are well trained and experienced in swimming in extremely frigid waters and traversing mountainous terrain. 
The current admiral of the Dominion Navy is Admiral Blake Harin. 

Dominion Navy Composition:

Frigates: 20
Destroyers: 25
Cruisers: 25
Submarines: 30
Patrol Craft: 30
Mine Warfare Vessels: 10
Helicopter Carrier: 15
Aircraft Carriers: 3


Naval Jack:















Rank Insignia




Duty Uniforms




Field Uniforms




Dress Uniforms
