Nation Bulletin

Govt. grants long-term visas, political asylum and sanctuary for Polish nationals amidst violence in Poland.

National Diet begins granting long-term visas for Polish nationals already in the nation, Political asylum and sanctuary for Polish refugees.

By NHK Newsline
07/15/2021 07:40 am
Updated: 07/15/2021 07:50 am

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The National Diet has voted to grant long-term visas for Polish nationals already in Japan, as well as political asylum and sanctuary for Polish refugees who wish to seek them to avoid persecution in their homeland.

This move comes as violence erupts in Poland after clashes of major political groups leading to a coup and ultimately, the exiling of the Polish government.


Under the new law, Polish nationals and refugees with legitimate passports can stay in the nation for up to five years, the government of Japan can issue permanent residency after five years.
