Nation Bulletin

Allied Forces liberate Montenegro!

The news of Albynian Forces surrendering have lead to a civil war within the weakened nation. While trench warfare continues in the east!

By The Sedrosian Times
12/28/2022 12:20 am
Updated: 12/28/2022 12:20 am

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Sedrosian, Montenegrin, and other allied forces have successfully forced the Albynian 1st Ground Corps to surrender at the village of Vilkinovo. After three weeks of brutal fighting their forces lost the will to continue fighting. This victory has been a.major blow to the Albynian Forces morale. And many Albynian civilians and even different parts of their military have decided to try and rejoin the Sedrosian Empire. And this civil war has caused them to pull back even more soldiers to fight the uprising.

While almost the entire Sedrosian-Aegean front has become a long and brutal trench war of attrition with an estimated 1000 or so Sedrosian soldiers dying per day on that front. The Aegean 3rd Armored Tank Division found a lightly defended gap in the trenches and have started pushing through this gap. However, they we stopped by a heavily defended ridge that wrapped around the territory. So almost all advances on either side have stopped along this front. Here is the updated map:


While the trench war rates in all earnest. Many on both sides wonder when and how the war will end. 19 year old Sergeant Volkov Suchez of the Sedrosian 7th Army writes about life in the trenches as gross, muddy, wet, and always the threat of enemy snipers and artillery attack is and bombings makes you wonder when your next. He also detailed an image of what the trenches looked like. And the following is that picture:


The Sedrosian Navy, Marines and Paratroopers have successfully captured a beachhead on the southern tip of Aegean land. This victory came at a high price, as over 20000 Marines, Sailors, and Paratroopers died in the operation. Now Sedrosian forces are pushing to take Aegean territory and lead to a swift end. However, these Sedrosian forces need more equipment and aid to successfully defeat the UAR. In fact, Sedrosian Chancellor Gideon Gregorev called for allies and other nations to send more aid and equipment. He said, quote, "Our nation is fighting the enemy who has unjustly launched an invasion of our nation. And without the aid and help from other nations, we would have been in a worst situation then we are in currently. However, this aid is running out, and we again would like to ask for more aid so that our successes don't end in vain." He also plans on visiting the nation of Sovjetski Sojuz and their leader Stalin to talk with him about future plans in the war. And this meeting will determine the future of peace in the Balkans.

However, the probability with declarations of war from Titasal and Ubreoverus increases by the day. And tensions rise with the nearby nation of the Rumanian-Moldovan Commonwealth. As they might take the opportunity to declare war on us in an attempt to take some of our northern lands. These two actions are another reason why the Chancellor is asking for more equipment and support. Stating that three fronts already stretched us thin, and that fighting on more fronts would be disastrous for our nation without more military aid and troops. Further updates will be released when they are first available.


Posted December 28, 2022 at 10:53 am

I can host a meeting between our leaders at 4 pm Moscow time, how does that sound? (i also have a response to Titasal, Ubreoverus and The Rumanian-Moldovan Common wealth if they would try something). 

Posted December 28, 2022 at 6:55 pm

Yes, that sounds good. Chancellor Gregorev is heading for the airport as we speak. We are excited to meet with Stalin and hope to accomplished some good things in our meeting. (Out of RP, I will send a message to you for the meeting. Or you can do that if you want.)
