Nation Bulletin

Demonstrations in Republic of Oulieania Captial

Demonstrations in Republic of Oulieania Captial

By President Mohr Luke
12/28/2022 03:24 am
Updated: 12/28/2022 03:24 am

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thousands of Protesters March in capital all Morning  later in Afternoon protests throwing Tear gas at National Guard and Riot poilce Units then National Guard and Riot Poilce unit using Riot Armored Vehicles both sides using more tear gas at each other the protesters carrying  pease sing flags one Riot Armored vehicle started shooting at some protesters holding Peace sings and flags shooting them to the ground on the spot the the Person that shooting at the porter  got arrested that was illegal in a protest the protesters started to get more Dangerous because of the incident they use Molotov Cocktails at several Riot Vehicles Injured some Riot Poilce Men some Military Tanks started firing canons over protesters scaring them of witch it work at the end at the end at least 5 dead 7 Injured Arrested 2,000.