Nation Bulletin

Articles of Unification

The Consolidation Conferences framework for constitution between Egypt and Happy

By By Leaders of the Federated Cities of Happy and the Kingdom of New Egypt
12/25/2022 08:48 pm
Updated: 12/25/2022 11:18 pm

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The United Federated Cities of Happy and the Kingdom of New Egypt have come together to form the United Cities of Happy City, a new nation built on the rule of law, and respect for human rights. We recognize the importance of building a society that is inclusive and that promotes understanding and cooperation between the Christian and Muslim communities.

We recognize that our strength lies in our diversity and our ability to work together towards a common goal. We therefore resolve to create a new government that reflects the values and aspirations of all our citizens, and that is dedicated to serving the common good.

We pledge to build a society that is fair, just, and based on mutual respect and understanding. We will strive to promote equality and justice for all, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, or any other characteristic. We recognize that in order to build a strong and united nation, we must respect and appreciate the many differences that exist within our society.

We look to the future with hope and optimism, and we are confident that, by working together and respecting each other's differences, we can build a united and prosperous nation that will serve as an example to the world.

This agreement is our pledge to one another, and to future generations, to build a better and more just society. We adopt it in the sincere hope that it will serve as a guide and a source of inspiration for all those who come after us.



Article 1 - The United Cities of Happy City shall be a democratic republic, combining elements of the Federated Cities of Happy with the Kingdom of New Egypt to form a system of government that is based on the principles of democracy and rule of law.


Article 2 - The United Cities of Happy City shall have a unicameral legislature, consisting of representatives from both Happy and Egypt, who shall be elected by the people. The legislature shall have the power to make laws and pass legislation, subject to the approval of the executive branch.


Article 3 - The executive branch of the United Cities of Happy City shall be headed by a president, who shall be elected by the people for a term of four years. The president shall have the power to veto legislation and nominate judges and other officials, subject to the approval of the legislature.


Article 4 - The judicial branch of the United Cities of Happy City shall consist of a system of courts, including a Supreme Court


Article 5 - The government of the United Cities of Happy City shall respect and uphold the principles found in the Bible and the Quran, and shall not enact any laws or policies that violate these principles. The government shall work to promote understanding and cooperation between the Christian and Muslim communities, and shall seek to build a society that is based on mutual respect and understanding.


Article 6 - In recognition of the importance of building a united and inclusive society, the leaders of the United Federated Cities of Happy and The Kingdom of New Egypt shall both step down from their positions, and a new government shall be established to represent the interests of all citizens of the United Cities of Happy City.


Article 7 - The citizens of the United Cities of Happy City shall have the right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to a fair trial. The government shall ensure that these rights are protected and upheld, and shall take all necessary measures to prevent discrimination or persecution based on race, ethnicity, religion, or any other characteristic.


Article 8 - The government of the United Cities of Happy City shall recognize the right to freedom of association, and shall not interfere with the right of individuals to peacefully assemble and express their views. The government shall also recognize the right to freedom of the press, and shall not censor or restrict the media.


Article 9 - The government of the United Cities of Happy City shall recognize and protect the rights of minority communities, and shall take all necessary measures to prevent discrimination or persecution based on race, ethnicity, religion, or any other characteristic. The government shall work to promote equality and justice for all citizens of the United Cities of Happy City, regardless of their background or beliefs.


Article 10 - The government of the United Cities of Happy City shall recognize the right to life for the unborn, and shall not permit abortion except in cases where the life of the mother is at risk. The government shall also take all necessary measures to protect the health and well-being of mothers and their children.


Article 11 - The government of the United Cities of Happy City shall recognize marriage as a union between one man and one woman, and shall not recognize or perform any other type of marriage. The government shall also recognize the rights of parents to raise and educate their children in accordance with their religious and cultural beliefs.


Article 12 - The government of the United Cities of Happy City shall recognize the importance of education, and shall take all necessary measures to provide access to quality education for all citizens. The government shall also recognize the right of parents to choose the educational path that is best for their children, and shall not interfere with the rights of private schools and educational institutions.


Article 13 - The government of the United Cities of Happy City shall recognize the right to private property, and shall not expropriate property without just compensation. The government shall also recognize the right to freely enter into contracts and agreements, and shall not interfere with the rights of individuals or businesses to engage in lawful trade and commerce.


Article 14 - The people of this nation have the right to own firearms for protection and defense. The government shall not infringe upon this right, except in cases of convicted felons or individuals deemed a danger to public safety. In the event of government corruption or tyranny, the people have the right to use firearms to remove said government and establish a new one. The right to bear arms has proven essential in defending our nation in the past and shall be protected at all costs.


Article 15 - The government of the United Cities of Happy City shall recognize the right of individuals and families to be free from debt, and shall work to promote financial stability and prosperity. The government shall also take all necessary measures to protect the rights of consumers and to prevent financial fraud and abuse.


Article 16 - The government of the United Cities of Happy City shall have the authority to levy taxes and other revenues, which shall be used to fund public services and infrastructure projects. The government shall also have the authority to regulate trade and commerce, in order to promote the prosperity of the nation.


Article 17 - The government of the United Cities of Happy City shall have the authority to maintain a military, which shall be used to defend the nation from external threats and to maintain internal security. The military shall be subject to the oversight of the legislature, and shall not be used for aggressive or expansionist purposes.


Article 18 - The government of the United Cities of Happy City shall have the authority to enter into diplomatic and trade agreements with other nations, in order to promote the prosperity and security of the nation. The government shall also have the authority to join international organizations and treaties, subject to the approval of the legislature.


Article 19 - The government of the United Cities of Happy City shall recognize the sovereignty of its people, and shall not allow any foreign nation or organization to interfere in its internal affairs. The government shall also respect the sovereignty of other nations, and shall seek to build strong relationships based on mutual respect and cooperation.


Article 20 - The government of the United Cities of Happy City shall recognize the importance of language as a means of communication and cultural expression, and shall take all necessary measures to promote the use and preservation of both English and Arabic. The government shall also work to create a new national language that is based on elements of both English and Arabic, and shall make efforts to encourage the use of this language by all citizens.


Article 21 - The United Cities of Happy City shall be proud of its Egyptian heritage and shall seek to preserve and celebrate this rich cultural legacy. The government shall work to promote the study of Egyptian history, language, and culture, and shall encourage the development of Egyptian arts and crafts. The government shall also seek to build strong relationships with other nations that share a similar cultural heritage, and shall work to promote mutual understanding and cooperation.


Article 22 - The government of the United Cities of Happy City shall recognize the right of all citizens to serve in the military, and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, or any other characteristic. The government shall also recognize the right of individuals to earn citizenship through military service, and shall provide all necessary support and assistance to those who wish to serve.


Article 23 - The government of the United Cities of Happy City shall recognize the sacrifices made by its citizens during the Colonies Wars, and shall take all necessary measures to honor and remember those who lost their lives in the fight for freedom and independence. The government shall also work to support the families of those who were killed in the war, and shall provide all necessary assistance to those who were injured or disabled as a result of their service.


Article 24 - The government of the United Cities of Happy City shall recognize the importance of national unity, and shall take all necessary measures to promote harmony and cooperation between its various regions and communities. The government shall also work to address the needs and concerns of all citizens, and shall strive to build a society that is fair and just for all.


Article 25 - The government of the United Cities of Happy City shall have the authority to make any necessary amendments to the Articles of Unification, subject to the approval of the legislature and the ratification of the people.