Nation Bulletin

A New Republic?

"It does not matter how slow you go as long as you do not stop" -Confucius

By Rimskaya State Publication Committee (R.S.P.C.)
12/25/2022 08:27 pm
Updated: 12/25/2022 08:32 pm

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The State looked pitiful. Democraticus looked out in dismay at what had become of his legendary homeland. The Capital had for the most part been rebuilt, as closely replicated as possible, and the many cities of Rimskaya were slowly but surely recovering. The feeling was stuck in him though, plaguing him since, well since forever.

"Have I done something wrong?"

The stories of Rimskaya were many: The War with the Chaos Insurgency, frankly a time he missed, the NADP wars, a time he'd much rather forget, and the long trudge of Aequtias forward to what he now led. Something wasn't right though. Knowing that he could do so safely, he decided to set out for a while.

He found himself later walking the streets of Novogo Rima. The city looked hardly different having been rebuilt. All the skyscrapers exactly where they'd been, the University right where it was; everything was normal, save for the people. They were once a proud nation, ready to fight at moment's notice to defend the Revolution, and if given the chance, spread it. Now they looked miserable, even impoverished. Most didn't notice their Commissar walking down the streets, and those who did looked away quickly- one even glared at him in disgust.

Democraticus knew he had failed his people. He had promised them liberty, safety, and a country free of this horrid reality. He had promised them that Socialism could work within the bounds of human nature, only to let his own get in the way of that.

He thought of what he had read about the Soviet Union. He pictured in his mind, the images of starving, of poor, amidst the wonders of that fallen empire. Novogo Rima had become that same sad tale. He pushed Rimskaya into the path of warfare and dabbling with the affairs of those who may as well be enemies. And this was the result.

He felt broken, a leader that had done his job so well until he actually tried to do it. The echoes of The Internationale were the last thing trying to give the people hope. The only thing left for them here was the fact that Capitalism would turn them all into serfs. In that sense, Rimskaya was their only home, and only hope.

And for the first time, Democraticus had a thought come to his mind: He had been the leader of Rimskaya since the Winter Solstice Revolution, more than 6 decades prior. No other had held executive power over him, nor did anyone have the chance to, save for when the RRC took control during the Tri-Fold War when he was on the frontline leading the army into battle.

Was it time to give someone new a chance?

He found himself looking into a window, and for the first time in a while, he took a long look at his reflection. He was an old man- very old in fact. He hardly could believe it. It seemed only yesterday that he was a young revolutionary, leading the charges against the armies of America for the freedom of Rimskaya. Those days, which were the very life in his blood, suddenly felt so distant, and in that instance, his age weighed down on him. He couldn't go on forever.

He knew what he had to do.

Having left his cell phone at home, he found a local public phone booth, and dialed his Secretary of State.


"It's me. I left my phone at the [NAME OF RESIDENCE REDACTED]"

"Yes sir? You sound tired."

"I am tired my friend. And old. I have found myself on the streets of the Capital, contemplating life, questioning everything I ever knew I was. And I have come to the realization that I cannot rule forever. I am a Commissar only in title: I am otherwise a King."

"So, what are you asking sir?"


I want you to ask the Legislature on my behalf..."


"If they would like to call the first Commissarial Election in Rimskayan history."

"Sir, a-are you sure? Rimskaya is in a state of rebuilding, the people are at a loss of motivation and hope-"

"Which is exactly why I am asking you of this. The people need a new hope. A new leader, who can recall the ideals of the Revolution better than my old head. Trotsky would not want someone my age leading, and especially for as long as I have.

I will not be in Novogo Rima whether they call it or not. I'm going out to see the country. I want to see what has become of the state I threw into chaos thinking I was saving it. Should they call the election, I will only return for my final address as Commissar, should they not, I will return when I am ready."


It will be done sir. I am sorry you feel the way you do."

"Oh please don't. The people don't like me anymore, so I wouldn't say that. Until we meet again Secretary."


So that was it. He was planning to end it, after so many years. But what would he do afterwards?

He thought back to all those headaches, all those phone calls, all those insults.

He wanted something relaxing.

So, he decided to make another call.

"Hello, thank you for calling [COMPANY NAME REDACTED] how can I help you?"

"This is Maximus Democraticus. I would like to find any potential real estate near the Capital of Luna."

"...Uh- oh- um..."

"Don't feel so stressed. Just find something cozy; relaxing."

"...Alright then, let's see what we can find..."


Posted December 26, 2022 at 12:44 am

move to Dauchh Palki, biggest mistake of your life, why live in arctic when you can live in cozy beaches 😎


please come to dauchh palki please come to dauchh palki please spend money please please tourism please come to dauchh palki please please come to dauchh palki please come to dauchh palki please spend money please please tourism please come to dauchh palki please please come to dauchh palki please come to dauchh palki please spend money please please tourism please come to dauchh palki please please come to dauchh palki please come to dauchh palki please spend money please please tourism please come to dauchh palki please please come to dauchh palki please come to dauchh palki please spend money please please tourism please come to dauchh palki please please come to dauchh palki please come to dauchh palki please spend money please please tourism please come to dauchh palki please please come to dauchh palki please come to dauchh palki please spend money please please tourism please come to dauchh palki please please come to dauchh palki please come to dauchh palki please spend money please please tourism please come to dauchh palki please please come to dauchh palki please come to dauchh palki please spend money please please tourism please come to dauchh palki please

Posted December 26, 2022 at 1:21 am

California has better beaches. 

Beaches on Beaches. 

Posted December 26, 2022 at 1:51 am

Bruh this turned from the first serious RP I've done in a while into a bid to get Democraticus to move to your country.

Posted December 29, 2022 at 5:53 pm

Come to New Olsztyn!

We will treat you nice / civilly!

We are a efficient / grand nation!
