Nation Bulletin

United Nations

United Nations are taking Nations!

By Presidenta Castilo Castro
12/08/2022 11:10 am
Updated: 12/08/2022 11:10 am

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Hello, my name is Castilo Castro from the country of Gran Pais. I have decided to start a discord that allows a group of nations to communicate and trade and overall solve diplomatic situations. The United Nations mission is to let every country solve diplomatic problems they may have with other nations. This allows for multiple nations from different alliances to communicate easier and faster to help solve problems 10x faster then they would get resolved on here. To join the United Nations discord go to my profile and look for my discord name and then shoot me a message.


Thank you - Castilo Castro, Presidenta of Gran Pais


Posted December 08, 2022 at 5:09 pm

Problems here are solved through nukes
