Alliance Bulletin

Join The Mole Rats The Kings of the wastes

We are kings

By Emperor Noob the first
12/06/2022 01:40 pm
Updated: 12/06/2022 01:40 pm

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Mole Rats invites you to join our alliance we are an alliance of a great and loving community we are respectful and have standards that dishonor disrespect. We present up to 20 million dollars in grants and a training regiments that will make you a c10. Our allaince is always on bulletins to bring in the new comers and roleplayers. We are a very hard working alliance and take activity and dedication seriously. So join us now. We are a discord mandatory alliance but have a fast and simple discord process to help with communication and training. SO JOIN NOW AND TODAY


Posted December 06, 2022 at 10:48 pm

Bro like half the players do not have discord, such as: Me, Uchama, Luna, Bedland, and Hunton

Posted December 10, 2022 at 2:58 pm

its only cause you have a protectorate stop arguing about how you made it to top 100 im just saying discord makes it better if you can fight a war without discord and win ill say nothing but you have to prove it to me go fight another nano and than we can talk
