Alliance Bulletin

Here's how to survive in orbis it's simple


By Emperor Noob the first
11/30/2022 07:37 pm
Updated: 11/30/2022 07:37 pm

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Discord is mandatory 

This is a huge problem for you and alliances they try and take out discord partially or fully meaning that they are destroying there only survivable communication remember this discord is necessary and shall always be necessary ask the top 50s

Get a dang prot 

Getting a prot to a top 50 alliance is a huge need and a must pirates will easily destroy you without protection as pirates do not care how hard you fight you will break eventually

If your gonna ally with other nanos make sure there fully active 

I hate when active nanos treaty up with inactive nanos and get there crap rocked cause no one is defending eachother make sure all your signed treaties have most to all active members 

Finally never attack a top 50 member or applicant. 

It is immediate death and destruction if you do 

If you have followed these rules and survived the risky and horrible 2 week to 1 month survival period you are on your way to a slow and rocky climb


Posted December 01, 2022 at 3:03 am

Finally never attack a top 50 member or applicant.

Not necessarily...

And, about Discord... no. There are players here without it, including myself, and I'd say it's possible, perhaps difficult at times but still possible, to play this game without it; I wish P&W were more accessible to those who were unable to get it, but I've managed without it and so have several others.

Posted December 01, 2022 at 4:25 am

It's a proven fact that every competent AA in P&W uses Discord or some other similar VoIP social platform as a form of coordination and communications and most importantly, logistics. If your AA is unwilling to utilize such tools, then your AA will forever be an incompetent one. That is just fact. All of the most well-known members of the P&W community and top tier AA's do and have done so for many years. You can choose not to accept that, but it is hard cold, blatant truth. This was true when I was in Terminus Est (Third). This was true when I was in The Order (TO). This was true when I was in Black Knights. This was true when I was in Baker Street, Hogwarts, and Odyssey. This even remained true when afterwards I joined smaller AA's such as Arkham Asylum and Mayhem.

Posted December 01, 2022 at 6:03 am

Not necessarily...

Ah yes, the famous last words from like the countless raiders that I have countered who immediately sued for peace after getting slotted. Top 50 alliances generally speaking have someone in range to strike back at you and will use automated means to alert them and to list potential members to counter. The bigger the fish, the more likely they are to have a strict do not raid policy. These rules many times even apply to applicants. Leonor de Borbon is correct in his assessment about alliances. I have never seen in my days of playing this game an alliance that doesn't require discord be successful. I'm a reroll and I joined originally back in 2020 and I have never seen it happen. I wish it was different, but discord is better. The game is even suited to it with things such as discord bots and scripts making managing large alliances more efficient. Max size you can get an alliance going here without discord I'd say is 15, maybe 20 if you are super active. And by discord, you can realistically use any web chat system as long as you can get people on board. TKR primarily uses slack for example, but even TKR members are active in discord by virtue of it just being the standard way of PNW managing alliances these days. 

Posted December 01, 2022 at 6:23 am

In your eagerness to point out how my greatest creation is a doomed ship, I never said Discord was not allowed. I said it wouldn't be mandatory, and it's entirely possible it will become a main method of communication regardless. Gotta appeal to the masses.

Posted December 01, 2022 at 6:34 am

If there is no Discord Mandate, then you have already failed. That's the point you are missing.

Posted December 01, 2022 at 11:22 am

Ah yes, the famous last words from like the countless raiders that I have countered who immediately sued for peace after getting slotted.

To be fair, I have been countered quite a bit. But not all the time; I've found a couple of alliances that don't really counter for inactive nations or applicants. For the most part, though, I've been focusing on raiding nations that aren't in alliances or those who have bounties.

If there is no Discord Mandate, then you have already failed. That's the point you are missing.

I disagree. If all alliances had Discord mandates, it'd push a decent-sized group of people to leave the game entirely; having alliances that allow people who want to play but cannot get any sort of off-game communications makes it a lot more accessible for people. For example, Castle Camelot communicates primarily through alliance announcements and sometimes mass messages. I was in it for a long time, as it was my first alliance and the last one before the one I'm the second-in-command of now, and CC functions just fine without having to rely on another platform for communications. I think it's absolutely possible to do that, and I honestly wish more people would see that it is possible to succeed in this game without Discord. Castle Camelot's doing it, Aeterna's doing it (they have it but also don't mandate it and use announcements as well) and The Aequitas International will succeed as well.

Posted December 01, 2022 at 12:20 pm

honestly luna, Without discord, it is hard to co-operate. How much you might think non discord alliances work, at the end the sense of brotherhood, better communication and not feeling isolated is only possible via Discord.

Posted December 01, 2022 at 3:21 pm

You do not need discord, just message someone, not that hard, 

aka my point is discord is not the answer, make your alliance have no discord is better as more people will join

Posted December 01, 2022 at 4:09 pm

That is just laughable. There’s a reason most AA’s without Discord never reach the top ten or exceed more than 15- 20 members at most. Take it from the experienced veterans who been here longer than you. Take it from the even older veterans who mentored us and have been on the net for +25-30 years playing the predecessors and precursors of games like P&W. Who’ve forced the mandate on us with great success. You will never be able to outgrow or outcompete those on top. The only reason you think yourself so successful is because you fight with those AA’s that are just as small and incompetently disorganized as yours from lack of Discord Mandates. They give you a false sense of security. Then you pick a fight with some higher-up and get annihilated terribly because they have a Discord Mandate with a competent Milcom, IA, FA, and EA, something you lack. You don’t even have a proper logistics system and that is what dooms you the second you think you can move up in the Orbis food chain and topple those above you. If you want to succeed, you must adapt the strategies of those above you. Or you will never succeed.

Posted December 01, 2022 at 6:07 pm

It's true all alliances without discord die so fast
