Nation Bulletin

Today 2 battleships battled it out in the bay due to a dog being struck with a bat


By Mary chad
11/26/2022 08:01 pm
Updated: 11/26/2022 08:05 pm

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Today a large battle happened in the bay between 2 battleships after a women hit a man's dog. Gary ligma the owner of the battleship the USS Arnold was the one who issued this duel after Candice Venezuela owner of the USS Harmony struck his dog with a bat. The owner initiated a legal duel in the bay against her. With both of there crews signing a pact making either side not liable for death or injury the battle insued with Gary winning the fight in a landslide victory. Candice must now pay for the repairs of her opponents battleship after it took 3 hits to its side.

All crews came out safe as today's battleships can easily be controlled at the main deck allowing for minimized casualties at best you still have a chance to die if a shell hits the command deck.
