Alliance Bulletin


USSRz joins Luna and NRI in its fight against our mutual enemies

We must destroy the Enemy

By USSRz news
11/21/2022 09:30 pm
Updated: 11/21/2022 09:30 pm

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After careful deliberation it is in the best interest of the USSRz to side with Luna in the Great War. We may not always see eye to eye but for the survival of the workers we must survive. So the USSRz calls on all its members and their allies to fight against these terrorist nations. We will start out by supplying weapons and other supplies but should one ship ever be struck our enemies will feel the full force of the Communist Empire of Europe. Missiles are armed soldiers are ready.


To our enemies do not test us this is a war you cannot possibly win.


Hail to the workers party of the Soviet Union



Posted November 22, 2022 at 12:55 am

Our troops know that we can win

The Soviet Union dominated the region mostly because of sheer numbers and will (some tech but they mostly just tried to overwhelm the enemy) also our morale is very high our tech is actually better than yours for now Hunton (I mean we literally have a bomb that sucks up all air and releases it as fire while still causing an EMP)

Posted November 22, 2022 at 1:12 am

You use nukes and I start executing any prisoner civilians and soldier alike or launch every ICM at your cities


The funny thing is is that you refuse to accept that we are pretty much on equal footing right now and we have major upgrades already and more on the way. We have slightly worse tech but WAY more soldiers and land. 

It will be a bloodbath for everyone and if I convince Luna and NRI to side with us we clap you

Posted November 23, 2022 at 1:07 am

if this was actual in game, we would destroy you, but sadly its rp, and all the military numbers are so sped and unrealistic.

Posted November 23, 2022 at 1:11 am

Bro don’t start this argument again we are gonna play our way and you can play yours or adapt to a new (quite frankly more fun way) Within Reason like what China could realistically mobilize.

But if you want to whine and moan just suffer in silence and let the RP community have their fun

Posted November 23, 2022 at 1:39 am

You don’t have to fight it’s just the nations that want to fight or are being threatened by the enemy 

RP wise I’m pretty sure you fall under the category of economic support for the alliance or as living space for the refugee and stuff like that not a combatant nation

Posted November 23, 2022 at 2:00 am

Well, my rp population is near Lunorian size, and you don't see me with a 5 million strong army, I have a 500k strong army, with high air and naval support

Posted November 23, 2022 at 3:04 am

How did I not notice this until now... I've been busy liberating my homeland from Dreamistan and making cool parodies of songs about the war.
