Nation Bulletin

Protesters storm Imperial Palace at Kyoto.

What started off as a simple protest against illegal Imperialist occupation quickly turns into chaos as Imperial authorities scramble.

By NHK Newsline
07/06/2021 02:18 am
Updated: 07/06/2021 02:22 am

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On the morning of July 6th, protesters began gathering at the entrance of the Kyoto Imperial Palace to protest the illegal occupation of the Japanese homeland by Imperialist forces upon receiving news of the war at Kyoto's doorstep.

By noon, the number of protesters swelled to the tens of thousands, quickly alerting occupation authorities, who also gathered to quell the protesters. 

After an hour of back-and-forth arguing, the protesters eventually pushed authorities to the walls of the Palace and began breaking down the barricades, occupation authorities had refused orders to open fire, only the most fanatic were actively fighting the crowd. The walls and barricades were breached in half an hour, completely overwhelming authorities and marking the fall of Kyoto. 

Meanwhile, armed resistance members had sabotaged reinforcement and ambushed multiple army transports moving to quell the protesters, delaying the response.

While the “Emperor” was not captured, the protest marks an important chapter in Japanese history, as protesters cheered the liberating armies' arrival, signalling the freefall of illegal Imperalist rule in Japan after mere weeks. The whereabouts of the “Emperor” is unknown and is said to be in hiding.


Posted July 06, 2021 at 5:45 am

Upon learning of this event, we are now considering deploying troops to Japan. At present a Quick Reaction Force has been formed and is standing by for deployment, once our Parliament votes on action.


John Taffie

Prime Minister

Kingdom of Ceresia

Posted July 06, 2021 at 6:12 am

If Ceresia

dares joins in the war it will be faced with destruction by the allied powers that outnumber and out gun Japan and it's allies.

Thank carefully about this

Posted July 06, 2021 at 7:43 am

It's funny because i had a few noodles tonight for dinner.
