Nation Bulletin

DSSR news 2


11/14/2022 04:02 pm
Updated: 11/14/2022 04:04 pm

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DSSR begins to exploit the Iron deposits in Agartha for New cities


To construct new cities all across the Mediterenean, the DSSR mines the Iron deposits in Agartha to make the construction process easier. Agartha will also be used to produce concrete, which also is essential for cities. Researchers have yet to find copper, but this won't be that big of an issue for now. About 700 workers will be send to work in the mines with additional 1500 workers coming later.

Workers construct a new mall in Port Egypt

8b0292a322a185a519e27a7bd4082a0f2e062438x981.jpgPort Egypt was originally a city constructed by the Egyptians in the 19th century, when they used to controll Minou (Crete). It is a very big city, yet it doesn't have a mall. So workers constructed one by themselves. Yup they really built one and it even works as it should. This shows the strengh of the proletariate and how the teachings of Karl Marx make Dragovitia prosperous

DSSR starts new militarisation efforts


Threats from Fascist Nations have led the DSSR to expand its military. Tanks, Artillery, Aircraft, Weaponry, Equipment will be produced to counter the threat of Fascism. Although we are already in a good position, these will help even more for the defense of the DSSR. Ships are already mass constructed, but from now on even more Ships will be produced. A draft of about 200,000 workers will occurr to expand the Military and New bases will be constructed in Anatolia.



Posted November 14, 2022 at 4:18 pm

Give Some Communist Cookies

Posted November 14, 2022 at 5:17 pm

Here take some

Posted November 14, 2022 at 5:21 pm

Do You Have Some Communist Drinks?

Posted November 14, 2022 at 6:20 pm

