Nation Bulletin

Maghrebi bank announces removing paper from being a form of currency

،باسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

By Ministry of information and broadcasting
11/11/2022 08:12 pm
Updated: 11/11/2022 08:12 pm

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Last night, the maghrebi bank announces that the paper money will no longer be used as a form of currency. Starting from today until the 25th of January 2082, people hired by the bank will be sent to families' homes to take all civilians paper money and replace the value with coins. Our unifier gopnik informed us it was him who gave the order to do say and explained by saying the following:

Paper's value isn't real compared to the coins' value and I believe that paying our people with something without a real value is a fraud.

In addition to that, the paper the bank will collect from all of you will be turned into fertilizer and donated to new farmers.

So, ladies and gentlemen, it seems like paper money will no longer be a thing. Get your pants ready because those pockets will start carrying heavier weights!

That is all for this morning, as we wish you, Maghrebis, a great day إن شاء الله.


Posted November 11, 2022 at 6:47 pm

As Puntans who use coins as the more valuable form of currency and bills as less, we commend this
