Nation Bulletin

The Project at Edens Gate war ends

The war between Joseph Seed and Aino Rebane comes to a treaty

By Pärnu Times
11/05/2022 11:53 am
Updated: 11/05/2022 11:53 am

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November 5th 2081/2022

On November 1st 2081 The Project at Edens Gate would formerly accept peace terms with The Republic of Pärnu.

This would be an end to this 4 day ( orbis time ) conflict and with this the motto "diplomacy works" became a symbol for those that had to move to evade this conflict and soon spread as a symbolic movement against war.

"This conflict was short but devastating on Pärnu and would require allot of power to come to terms with this Edens Gate conflict. The millitary was already ill-prepared as the -USA- invasion had punched a hole through the military. The shear fact that diplomacy and compromise managed to stop this war [ alongside allied support ] is amazing." - Political correspondent 


Now the attention follows Cylodon as The Project at Edens Gate calls for them to stop the attack on them. Diplomacy is underway as Pärnu is in direct contact with Cylodon , hopes to end this conflict is high but remains to be seen.


The Government 

The ministers once again discuss the good of an alliance as debates spark in the common rooms. One minister was escorted out of a room due to the anger stirred by one comment ( This comment has not been released yet but the minister in question is still in office ).


Thanks for reading.