Nation Bulletin

Attack on Pärnu

[ no except ]

By Pärnu News Broadcast (PNB)
11/03/2022 09:25 pm
Updated: 11/03/2022 09:25 pm

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October 10th 2081

The Republic of Pärnu was attacked tonight by the -USA- Further information when available ///end///


October 17th 2081

The Republic of Pärnu declares that the -USA- is in a counter war with The Coven and this attack is part of a series of attacks by the -USA- on Coven members 


Pärnu also states at an emergency press meeting that "we haven't formerly opened messages to the U.N.O but we ask the U.N.O and The Coven for supplies as despite having air superiority we are falling hard, I'm sure The Coven are already attacking the -USA- but at this point in time I've just gotten back and research might resume tommorow, thank you for your time" - Defence minister Adney Moore  


[ Note: Pärnu doesn't understand the current political issues facing The Coven that lead to this war ]

Thanks for reading!

[ all citizens take shelter, flee under Riga or evacuate the country from the south west to north east, Narva recommended* ]
