Nation Bulletin

Sheikah holds Fascist Election

For this years democratic election

By King Necrolord
10/31/2022 12:37 am
Updated: 10/31/2022 12:41 am

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For this years democratic election the fascist party (Sheikah Legion) has won. The Government was investigating election fraud but the new “fascist” pope  had called it off. Here are the statistics of the election

78% Fascist party (Sheikahlian Legion)

8% Communist party (Sheikah workers union)

10% Republican party (Democratic republic of Sheikah)

2% Anarchist Party (Anarchist Party of Sheikah )

1% Progressivism party (Democracy of Sheikah)

Fascist Militia have now swarmed the streets policing local citizens. The fascist party is beleives that this will have positive effects for them. Everyone else is preparing for the worst. The new pope has established that he will be pope for the rest of his life. He promised he would bring glory and greatness to the country by blood and war.
