Nation Bulletin

Ministry of local affairs open applications for a new job

،باسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

By The ministry of information and broadcasting
10/28/2022 02:44 pm
Updated: 10/28/2022 02:44 pm

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15 days after the beginning of enforcing the job policy, male joblessness rate went down from 31%~ to 13.6%~

This a great change until we include that only around 6% of them have permanent diseases. Meaning that there are over 152000 healthy men with no jobs due to no available jobs in their regions.c2f27201bc48284fcaff11a029f8700ec7aba0a6x378.jpg

Today, minister of labour and employment  Ahmed Shawqi gave a speech at 9am according to GMT+1 timezone. In which, he said:

It came to our notice that many men can't find a job to apply to and that they are worried about being unable to live due to no money or food. And we realised that we still don't have anyone to send food to maghrebi homes monthly. That is why I would like to announce a new job that you can apply to starting on August 3rd 2081 that we'll call "food supplying". Their task is to send food and drinks to every woman, child, handicap and working man in less than 3 days on each 5th day of each month of the year.

You'll be able to apply in public schools as we will take advantage of the summer vacation and employ people in the learning facilities.

That is all for today, Maghrebis. Goodbye. 

That is all for this turn's news. We wish you, Maghrebis, a great day إن شاء الله