Nation Bulletin

New Parsedean, errr, healthy red stick! Developed by Parsedeanean Defense Technologies


By Elected King Sultan Derent
10/27/2022 04:31 pm
Updated: 10/27/2022 04:31 pm

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This revolutionary new stick changed the world in the Empire. It is a great source of Vitamin D, Y, N, A, M, I, T, and E, which by the creator is said to be a healthy food diet.

Inside, children experience reports of irregular bowel movements, but only that. Adults in a survey said that they could eat pieces of scrap metal after eating 2-3 sticks of the Red Stick. Doctors have investigated and found that the bile inside the adults' stomachs was strengthened 40 times its original capacity. Although, scrap metal is not too appealing to others.

Some have reported internal combustion in their stomach, but there was little to no damage in surgery.


The Parsedean Food and Drug Agency has greenlit the product, by experts Timothy Landis, a 2-year-old confirmed expert on foods after confirming that grape juice tastes good. The company (Parsedeanean Defense Technologies) has opened its first international store in the Chittagong state, the second to be built in La Punta De Antarctica (part of the upcoming Project GO Antarctic Complex), and the third to be built in Vulcanites. Please listen to the experts explain why this isn't an explosive device.


Deee! Baadadadaadàaaæsaaa! Gee, gee, gee?

-PFDA Timothy Landis

On the other note, the Parsedeanean citizens can now digest anything.


Posted October 28, 2022 at 3:19 am

