Nation Bulletin

Orbis Nuclear report.

Have a look at the strides in progress made in radiation control since 2079.

By Pärnu News Broadcast (PNB)
10/24/2022 01:06 pm
Updated: 10/24/2022 01:07 pm

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June 15 2081

The last report by Pärnu on Radiation in Orbis was during 'the nuclear crisis of 2079'

This bulletin will lay out the improvements Orbis has made in radiation controll since then.

[ data from Dec 3rd 2079 ]


Pure statistics 


-55% food in Europe 2079

-9.48 food in Europe 2081

North America

-89% food in NA 2079

12.59 food in NA 2081

Rest of World 

No data [ sorry for inconvenice ]


2079- 110 Launches in 24hours 

2081- 9 Launches in 24hours 



Its very easy to see that Orbis has severely decreased the impact of Radiation and the launch of nuclear arms.

North America survived the nuclear winter and Europe can finally have food to grow, the world can rest. Orbis has come along a very messy road that lead to something great, I cannot remember a nuclear crisis after 2079 or atleast one as severe and that is something we should all be proud off.



We at Pärnu speaking on part of the international community wants to thank every nation that made it through 2079 and banded together for a better Orbis. The current situation on nuclear weapons is a stark contrast from times gone and we hope it stays that way. 

Thank you, Orbis


Sources :


[ Disclaimer ] if you have stats for Asia / the rest if the world during 2079 please reply below or DM me at Zinc_ave#2020 on discord.