Nation Bulletin

Parnu is being attacked

An unjust war had been declared on parnu

By Prime minister Aino Rebane
10/12/2022 07:32 am
Updated: 10/12/2022 07:52 am

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January 19 2081

Pärnu has been unfairly attacked in a war that we haven't provoked , reason for the attack was "say hello to my little friend".


This is a sad day for Pärnu ad we have lost many units and winning this battle is going to be very very hard, we need your help


Attack this nation as they have attacked us and if you are this nation: we are apart of the U.N.O we only want peace!


Edit: this attack had been found to be due to an alliance war between them and my alliance [ the coven ] however because they attacked me this still breaches my neutrality. I condemn this war but my sovereignty has been challenged and we might fall but we will fight.
