Nation Bulletin

Communist Britain officially declare war on Luna and Rimskaya


By Boris Johnson
10/09/2022 08:39 pm
Updated: 10/09/2022 08:39 pm

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"At 2pm this evening we sent a formal declaration of war to the nations of Luna and Rimskaya. We had signed a MDP with the Chaos Agency that in turn binds us to join them in conflicts. We are not proud to be going to war with an ally in the form of Rimskaya but it has to be done. 

As the two nations of Luna and Rimskaya are located in North America, we will be sending a task Force of 100,000 troops and 8000 tanks to the island of Bermuda. They will be accompanied by 350 fighter jets and and a fleet strength of 80 assorted naval vessels. 

A large portion of our troops have came back home as heroes after the weeks of fighting in redicalland. 10,000 will stay there to help rebuild civilian infrastructure and fortify strategic positions so they will be safe in the event of another attack. 

A lot of major powers have been claiming numerous territories around the globe. So we are joining this wave of imperialism by claiming the panama canal and Northern columbia. Any military ships attempting to use the canal will end up at the bottom. "

The anthem plays


(out of character) I recently haven't been making many bulletins because I've had school taking up most of my time and my anxiety is not really making stuff any easier. Hopefully I will start getting into the rhythm of things a bit more I will be able to have some free time.


Posted October 09, 2022 at 8:40 pm

Theres probably some mistakes in here because I can never be asked to proof read

Posted October 09, 2022 at 8:45 pm

I support you. Even as an enemy of Nova Mundus, I might join the war. NRI is going to puppet everyone that loses if they win. If NRI wins, I will become a NRI puppet and end up like Redicalland, a long brutal mess.

Posted October 09, 2022 at 8:46 pm

If you signed a DEFENSE pact, you have no reason to attack us, since the Chaos Insurgency was the first one to declare war. But if you still attack Luna and Rimskaya, we will have no choice but to invade and destroy you as well.

Edit: I'd like to see how you intend to reach Luna from Bermuda, considering how we're all the way in Northern Greenland.

Also, I completely understand why you haven't been making a lot of bulletins lately -- school can be a lot sometimes (I've had the same issue since I'm taking some classes with a good bit of homework).

Posted October 09, 2022 at 9:03 pm

Luna thank you for understanding :) 

 The pact covered defensive and aggressive wars so I can't really turn back. Also have you moved your nation cos I'm almost certain you were in USA before

Posted October 09, 2022 at 9:05 pm

Lol that's understandable

Posted October 09, 2022 at 9:11 pm

Luna began in Europe, then Antarctica, then Australia, and finally Greenland, but we've never been in the USA. 

Posted October 09, 2022 at 9:48 pm

My bad 

Posted October 09, 2022 at 9:50 pm

It's fine, we have moved around quite a bit so I can see why it might be confusing.

Posted October 10, 2022 at 3:07 am

Well that's not good. We'll at least be nice when we come and plunder your cities after totally destroying your naval invasions (we definitely didn't mine the entire Atlantic coast)
