Nation Bulletin


Orbis Orbiter Weekly Edition #8

By High Lord RoManic
10/09/2022 12:42 am
Updated: 10/09/2022 12:44 am

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Orbis Orbiter Weekly


Edition #8 Pg. 1


THE OOW IS A PRODUCTION IN ASSOCIATION WITH OOWAA (Orbis Orbiter Weekly and Associated Acts), RSN (Rising Sun News), TKP (The Knightly Post by Camelot), and the PnW Roleplay Server. Lots of thanks to these guys for helping out! If you would like to check them out and support the OOW and get the best news delivered in a fast way click their links below!



PnW Roleplay:

OOW (employees or potential employees only):

Thanks for your support! 



Hello again and welcome to Orbis Orbiter Weekly. If you are a little new that is alright you don’t need to know much to get the jist of things here. If you would like to look at our Edition #1 Intro Version, Click Here. As always, we are a longer bulletin publication, so feel free to skip to your favorite or the most interesting sections! It is, in fact, encouraged. Remember to use our Table of Contents to locate your favorite sections easily. ENJOY!


If You Would Like to Sponsor our Paper with an Ad of Your Own Find us Here: (Discord)




Tired of your alliance not meeting your needs? Do you want a fresh experience with companions that average at c10?


Then join the New Federation of Sovereign Nations! 


- We are a relatively new alliance that has a great and fun community! 

- We also boast of being P&W's first Parliamentary semi-dynastic Alliance! (Join for chaos) - Plus, we offer a $$ 10 million dollar joining bonus! $$ 

- We also offer grants to new nations to get up to c4 raiding level! 


"Nos sumus invicem magnitudine et foedere" 

"We are each other's magnitude and bond" 

NFSN/ (Discord)


Table of Contents

Pg. 1-Intro, Ad, Table

Pg. 2-New Features, MEMES ASSEMBLE! (Parnu), Orbis Cultural Exploration (Kihansi Haley)

Pg. 3- Economy Report (Sultan Derent), Fun Facts (Piotr Heat)

Pg. 4- OOW DECLASSIFIED (TKP+OOW Assorted Staff)

Pg. 5-Like Goal, Comment Poll, The End


Edition #8 Pg. 2

New Features: Comment poll this week is “What is your most famous bulletin (by most liked) or if you don’t have one what is your favorite bulletin post ever?” 



This week's like goal prize is still going strong at 5.5 MILLION DOLLARS! 




A Section where Memes of all assortment are given renewed life

By The Republic of Parnu







Orbis Culture Exploration | New Zukesa

November 30, 2080SQb9l4F4aUF4bPkTD3Qc6lFt1rJK3-o3N3GqMdEVirnmAf0EfGXpkJDq7-zSGMz8s0Hou3YcHSJKuBRhaYLfsS1yCJIDWtdyzsSZ_HUu9Lt18WjQo_gK2fbD3GQDol6xkg3F4O8QM2W6kFHfdepK1MBewfaC9_lWkkA6luFy7cjSwfP762BSVBr1IQ


Ruddock Media - Licensed to OOW for use | EXCLUSIVE CONTENT

this article is a feature in Ruddock Media: Orbis Culture Exploration

New Zukesa | Culture

Today, we visit the nation of New Zukesa, on the large island of Sakhalin. The nation is a beautiful mix of Russian and Asian cultures that synchronized into the Zukesan culture today. A large part of the nation's culture is derived from its natural heritage and history.



Center, the Sakhalin Regional Museum

Originally named Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Toyohara is one of the largest cities in New Zukesa, and located close to the nation's capital of Dolinsk. The city is extremely beautiful, with large Nihonian (Japanese) influence from the Japanese isles to its south. It is home to many historic and architecturally influenced buildings, typically Japanese. One such building is the impressive Sakhalin Regional Museum, with an impressive fountain as centerpiece, the museum is dedicated to the nation's rich history, including through its early stages and records of transcripts of the leader Lupov. The city is beautiful, with countless breathtaking sites, including old samurai villages, a train line, gorgeous mountains, and so much more. The city has become a cultural landmark in New Zukesa. The city is the cultural hub and the nation, and most of the nation's festivals occur in the city's many plazas and nearby historic buildings. The city's roots are agrarian, the nation's hub of agriculture, over time the nation has become more industrialized and as its economy has developed the Museum has kept track of everything, today we visit to learn about the nation's history with the museum. New Zukesa was originally founded by Russian junta members, air force officers, after the destruction of Russia, and fighting with the Japanese, the air force officers decided to call it a day, and went to establish New Zukesa. After organizing the country, the nation became a magnet for immigrants all over eastern Russia and Asia, which led to the mix of synchronized cultures into the definitive New Zukesan culture. Toyohara quickly developed as an oil giant and the center of the nation's agricultural industry. The nation's capital Dolinsk, was originally an unused air force base but developed with plans to make it a city. Today Toyohara is one of the nation's largest cities, and a cultural hub.

The rich festival culture of Toyohara brings us to our next topic, the Harvest Moon Ceremony, which celebrates the autumn lunar moon. However, in recent years with rapid industrialization, the festival has come to honor the agrarian past of the city more. The ceremony originally dates back to Japan, where its original meaning comes from, it's likely this is where most of the traditions came from. Around the festival, rice dumplings become incredibly popular to celebrate the ceremony, and it's common for citizens to place decorations honoring the festival around their houses with Japanese pampas grass. Traditions include reciting poetry under the full moon, praying for an abundant harvest of rice, and parties are held in celebration. In Toyohara, the city celebrates the day with a beautiful festival around any of the city's historic landmarks.

We hope you enjoyed this section of ORBIS CULTURE EXPLORATION.



Edition #8 Pg. 3

Economy Report with Sultan Derent


The dashing, gorgeous, Sultan Derent is here to deliver the BEST economic news in Orbis. If you hate touching grass and pay attention to fake money designed for you to make microtransactions, then this section is JUST FOR YOU!


Let's start from the MOST exciting to LEAST exciting!

MUNITIONS are at $1820!!!!! An enormous $20 increase from before!!!

Alright, alright. Let's go in order.

Gasoline hasn't changed and stays at $2700

Iron also hasn't changed and stays at $2300

Food (whoop de doo) ALSO hasn't changed to $175

At the time of writing, Oil is exactly $2000!

To get rid of the boredom, finally, Coal has a $600 dollar decrease to $2200!!


Press the move-on button



Uranium has a $600 INCREASE, to $3600, a spike that only happened twice in OOW economy reports!

Bauxite, that monster increased to $4600, a scary price

Steel hasn't changed at $3600

Aluminum, pretty low right now at $3400

And finally, LEAD has dropped an ENORMOUS amount to $3200!

Humans and furies of Orbis, I think that Uranium is hot right now! The previous spike had been short-lived, but let's see if this can last!

As always, thanks for reading. I'll see you next week!


Fun Fact with Piotr Heat!


How's it going, young men, women, and androids? Did you know these six shocking fun facts?


1. The DSRGP is one of the youngest confirmed nations to have landed in the moon

2. The People's Democratic Republic of Cossackia is the only country with a dominant teenage population in the world.

 3. The Chittagong State once had a civil war because the adults wanted to discipline anime! 

4. Ĥejdishejmo, a city in La Punta de Antartica, is a city built completely underground. Never have I ever seen a better marvel of engineering in my life. 

5. A Trans-Eurasion railway line is being currently built that will allow for rail travel between Europe, Asia and North America. The Japanese Isles, Free People of North America, and the  Parsedean Empire, have all taken part in this project so far.

 6. Dauchh Palki owns a Autonomous Region named Newford City




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“A Squire you may Enter, but a Knight you will Become!”






 Edition #8 Pg. 4



Many OOW readers may not know that the OOW has a special exclusive with the news server TKP (The Knightly Post) that comes out every week on Sundays. These usually have exclusive content that the normal OOW does not contain. These usually include content from some of our best that doesn’t end up here and also a Nostalgia and Editors Notes Section. TKP has kindly let us declassify their exclusives and show them to the public after two weeks of release on the TKP Server. If you would like to get these early every week (and also get access to edition 2) join the TKP Discord

TKP Discord:

Now to the Exclusive!



Welcome to the very first of many TKP + OOW Exclusives! Each week every Sunday we will be giving members of TKP two exclusive article’s from our great writer’s. We may also have a Nostalgia section on the bottom that highlights previous articles written by the OOW or by some of its greatest writers. This should be really fun, enjoy! 


RP Summary with Dauchh Palki

(Note: this is made especially for those who don’t usually keep up with RP events)


RP Summary: 9/18/22 - 9/25/22 (Bulletin News)

 Vocabulary: NADP (North American Defense Pact)

 PCDP (Pacific Cooperation and Defense Pact)

 AFC (Anti-Furry-Coalition)

 UNO (United Nations of Orbis) 


Treaty of Calarie Signed.


 9/22/22 - After 6 days of conflict, the NADP-AFC-PCDP war, also dubbed, "Skill Issues'' has come to a close. On June 1st, 2080, leaders of the PCDP, NADP, and AFC agreed to sign the treaty, disbanding the NADP and PCDP, as well as forming the UNO. The treaty has called into question the future of the AFC. The combatants of the conflict included 18 nations, including the Rocky Mountain Republic, who attacked the nation of Luna in the NADP. World leaders have celebrated the signing of the treaty, but it is sure that peace will not resume, as we continue into our next topic.


To Learn More: NADP-AFC-PCDP War | Politics and War Wiki | Fandom




Vocabulary: Redicalland (Australian Nation in a civil war)


 War in Redicalland

 9/21/22 - Present

 A civil war has erupted in the small Oceanic nation of Redicalland. The communist government of Redicalland is at conflict with Fascist forces and their allies. Anti-communist riots broke out in the streets, and the government responded by sending in tanks and the military. Only more violence ensued, and a civil war is now in full swing. Fascists have received support from nations abroad like Nova Mundus, and government forces have received support from nations like Communist Britain. Fascist rebels are converging on the nation’s many cities, and the largest battle is currently the Siege of Verenska and the surrounding villages. Foreign powers have rushed to intervene in the civil war, and chaos has ensued. Tens of thousands of refugees are leaving the country, but enough talk about war, let's move onto a more peaceful topic…




Vocabulary: UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization)

 U.N.O (United Nations of Orbis) 

FPNA (Free People of North America) 

UNESCO Heritage Sites in Orbis 


UNESCO Orbis, although officially just UNESCO, is an organization with the goal of maintaining Orbis' many unique natural and cultural heritage sites. UNESCO has become a branch off U.N.O, and was originally started by Captain Good Vibes of the nation of ANZAC. The Captain associates UNESCO as an extension of soft power diplomacy to maintain peace in Orbis.The goal is to promote peace and cultural heritage in replacement for military prowess and conflict in Orbis. Several nations have created tentative lists for their important sites to be nominated for UNESCO Heritage Site status. Current Heritage Sites include places like Yellowstone National Park in the Rocky Mountain Republic, the Statue of Liberty in the FPNA, and the Ruins of Independence Hall in Dauchh Palki, as well as many more in many other nations. Contribute and learn more at Orbis World Heritage Committee Interim Report | Politics and War


That’s it from me, Dauchh Palki, thanks for reading!




Nostalgia Section

By Kaka Canli

How it’s Made: Planes

Planes. They emit a ton of carbon dioxide and apparently the US military is using them to spray our crops and air with lithium. The basis behind this? That the United States government is mind controlling you to breathe. Other than that, planes allow us to go around the world, around the world, around the world, around the world, around the world, around the world, around the world, around the world, around the world, around the world, around the world, around the world, around the world, around the world, around the world, around the world. Anyways, who calls planes "aeroplanes" British people? It just sounds weird. Like a new Greek yogurt flavor. Believe it or not, planes were supposed to get you to cities, but now they just get you to heaven or hell, depending on if you are Christian or not. 

First, engineers come up with a design that maximizes delays, layovers, engines catching on fire, and seating around the person who takes his shoes off, all the while giving the plane so little protection that your phone will bring it down. Studies even show that you have a 100% chance of going to Jesus if you fly with Spirit Airlines. That's more than your Asian mom's shoes have. Then they get to building the airplane. Usually, planes are made with dirt. While the builders are making the plane, the un-profitable airline company is hiring jackasses who break guitars. Then, after the plane is built, flyers are served bland food, and some flyers even worship Jesus, because that's where they are going. If your plane ever crashes, though, remember you won't survive because you forgot to pay the extra life vest fee!



Editor’s notes (by RoManic of Vulcanities): 

(A section where I talk about the behind the scenes experiences and think back on the memories of this article)

After looking back on this nearly 4 weeks later, the Nostalgia physically hits me. This was published in an edition that just showcased a completely different OOW. I still remember getting in touch with Kaka Canli after seeing one of his How It’s Made’s and I can still remember being so excited that he agreed to write this with the OOW. This article was a desperation throw for the old OOW. We were doing pretty good for just starting out, and I was riding an incredible high after having a breakout second edition get released. I was in a bit of a pickle though. I wanted to do something that would keep my audience interested and would cement the OOW as a go to weekly article. I didn’t think I would be able to pull off something that was able to get as much success as edition #2. I went all in on edition #3 pulling out the stops and as I prepared to write what would become the semi-well known third edition (The Furry Question) that would feature a lengthy interview I was beginning to think, no longer, in terms of my articles that I wanted to headline, but I rather started to become a promoter for other writers and for the bulletin community as a whole. As this perspective shifted so too did my plans. This is why when you look at newer articles they no longer have a main and opinion piece written by me but rather have multiple articles written by many people. One of the biggest things I was seeking to improve in the third edition was the frankly lackluster comedy section, written by me. Those never turned out all too well. I realized I would need someone who could take over this section and do it with some serious gusto. This is where Kaka Canli came into play, delivering this How it’s Made to a good amount of fanfare. All throughout the week as I continued to write on my interviews, I realized the need to work with my other writers and establish a bond. I have found a bond of sorts with nearly every single one of my current staff members and I lay the thanks at the feet of some of my earliest crew members. I don’t think the OOW would be the same without this article and the person behind it. Thank You and tune in next week to get more of TKP+OOW Exclusive



  Edition #8 Pg. 5


If you like and comment on this week's OOW you have the chance to win 5.5 MILLION BIG ONES!!! If we reach (or surpass, anything is possible) our goal of 19 likes then you could be that one lucky commenter who wins the prize! GOOD LUCK!


Comment Polls

Last week we dared to ask the question “Who do you believe to be the most famous bulletin writer?” The answer was an overwhelming show of hands for famous bulletin writer Nukey! As promised we have actually hired Nukey! Nukey’s first OOW work will feature on OOW Editon #9! 


This week’s comment poll is “What is your most famous bulletin (by most liked) or if you don’t have one what is your favorite bulletin post ever?” This one should be pretty awesome!


The End

Hey there, hopefully you’ve gotten a chance to check out your favorite stuff and are on your way slightly more miserable than before. That is fantastic! Before you go though, I would like to ask you for a favor. We here at the OOW are looking for people to run ads on our paper so we can gain some ad revenue to help create new stuff and pay our staff. The rates are really cheap at this point so hurry into the Discord. You can also help by donating or by Joining our team in a unique position fit for you! We now also have an exact release time for the next OOW edition. You can expect an edition to come out every Saturday at 11:59 PM SERVER time! Thanks for Reading! 


NOTE: We are seeking only a few more writers, however, there are other positions open that guarantee just as much fun. 


LINK (employees or potential employees only): (Discord)

Feel free to in-game message me, RoManic of Vulcanities, as well with the subject OOW.


Can’t get enough of the OOW? We have 7 whole other editions you can enjoy. EDITION #1, EDITION #2, EDITION #3, EDITION #4,EDITION #5, EDITION #6,EDITION #7

Orbis Orbiter Daily (OOD): #1

Remember to support our friends down at RSN, TKP, and PnW Roleplay. (You’ll get faster OOW updates and extra news that is frankly, amazing.) These guys can help you in daily economic news, raiding, alliance updates, etc., Really Incredible, check ‘em out and support us!



PnW Roleplay:


Posted October 09, 2022 at 12:52 am

Give me money

Posted October 09, 2022 at 1:00 am

My most famous bulletin is, Initial fighting breaks out in NE, President Johansson uses executive powers for rapid deployment of CAF.

Posted October 09, 2022 at 1:33 am

My most famous bulletin is the Orbis Livability Index, with 18 likes. I'm thinking I might make a 2081 version that's more accurate, and updated for what certain nations are actually like at this point, since there have been a lot of changes.

Also, in the first meme, R.M.R. would be red now that they're nuclear capable, and Luna is orange (until we inevitably declare war to protect our allies).

Posted October 09, 2022 at 1:35 am

And yet another great publication. If only I had to literacy rate to read it all without losing focus :p

Posted October 09, 2022 at 8:36 am

That Democracy Index one with the 38 likes W, probably won't be on the #1 page for long though kekw

Posted October 09, 2022 at 8:51 am

very lovely

Posted October 09, 2022 at 1:41 pm

Im pretty sure my most famous bulletin was the personality one

Posted October 09, 2022 at 2:19 pm

My most popular bulletin is President Tosl vs Arrgh 

Has aquired 38 likes ;)

Posted October 10, 2022 at 1:31 am


Posted October 11, 2022 at 11:15 am

this is a really good bulletin tbh
