Nation Bulletin

Why Is the Stinga Ding Military More Active Than Ever

What Has the Military Been Doing for the Past Month

By Military News
10/07/2022 08:13 am
Updated: 10/07/2022 08:13 am

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Why is the Stinga Ding Military More Active than Ever?


Every since Stinga Ding joined Arrgh,they have been starting a new war weekly. We have had multiple people come up with ideas on why they have been waging war. We have a couple of ideas.

1. We are heading to an economic recession 

2. Stinga Ding has joined a less strict alliance on raiding laws.

We will be going over these topics in each of these articles.


We Are Heading Into A Economic Recession

Usually, when there is a war or draft, the Nation of Stinga Ding is close to economic collapse and needs to go to war to make money. This year has not been good for the Stinga Ding Stock Market. After heavy tanks and not-so-good rises, the economy hasn't been looking good, and the dong has gone down in value from 3.56 USD to 1.89 USD in under two months. There has been more spending on the military from 25% → 75% with the increase in men, munitions, weapons, and mercenaries; it seems like this war will be economic; there has been $7,859,684.15 looted in the past four wars leading to repairs across the nation fixing up the country after wars from years past. If we head into a total economic recession, this might be the worst one ever since the recession of 2057. Almost $20,000,000 worth of oil spilled into the ocean in a matter of 4 days.

These wars have also worsened the economic problem; the value of Infrastructure doesn't equate to the amount stolen in wars. Now, where do we start with the loss of life? It costs, on average, $2 per death of personnel in active combat. If we do a little math, we get $276750 to pay for all of the lost life. Many men and women were drafted into these wars to bring blood money back to the nation." Most of us think Stinga Ding only joined Arrrgh to raid countries for cash"-National Peacekeeper Party of Stinga Ding. The NPKPSD is running against Binga Ding(10) 's party. The Stinga Ding Communist Party is against most of what The SDCP is for, so I'm not surprised they came out with this statement. It also doesn't help that president Binga Ding(10) wants to get a satellite in space before 2130; he put a law in place saying, "We must save some money for the space program to increase the economy and our military might. Getting a man on the moon before the end of 2150 will make Stinga Ding one of the best countries in the world.

 "The space program seems important, but I think the economic prowess of today is more important. But if we stay with the space program savings, the government should have the documents open to the public. A Few months back, the now aging chancellor made a speech about the economic downturn" It has come to my attention that the economy in Stinga Ding has come to a massive downturn, the GDP went from 400,000,000 to 300,000,000 in under three months. The Stock Market has been closed for a couple of days after a Zero Day bug was found in the code. We are returning to steel production as we made more daily money during those times. Before my death, I want to make the nation of Stinga Design great again.". The country will go back to old steel factories and military conscription; if we remember from history class, these were the worst times for the Stinga Ding citizens. I hope the next Binga Ding will be better than Binga Ding(10).

The new presidential nominee is Mathew Monkida; he will run during the 2081(or when the president dies) elections. He is part of the Stinga Ding Peace Keepers Party, believing he can set Stinga Ding back on the right track for the economy and military. He gave a speech about how he will change the course of Stinga Ding's history." I Mathew Monkida will have a heavy hand on the corruption in Stinga Ding. I will not let us be embarrassed again, like in the Northern Hills war. We lost so many soldiers to the corruption in the military ranks and government contractors. We accepted cardboard body armor during this war and gave it to our Mercenaries without knowing it. We have lost too many soldiers to the government's incompetence and corruption. The economy had also crashed, reading to the downfall of our significant currency that Binga Ding(1) made before he was assassinated in 2056. I will bring more jobs into the workforce to boost the economy. I will also repair the Infrastructure that has been destroyed over the past couple of years from wars and terrorist attacks against the nation of Stinga Ding. Taxes will not have to be increased to fund these radical decisions; we will use the money saved for the space program and the military reserve fund. Taxes will not need to be raised as resources pay more than all the taxes in Stinga Ding combined. Vote for me to end the corruption in the government and help Stinga Ding be great again." Mathew seems very radical, and it looks like he has a slight grasp of economics; he relies on a volatile market to fund costly projects. There will not be enough money to reserve in another recession. We have one more guest speaker in this article who will decide whether or not Binga Ding declared these wars to fix the upcoming economic crisis. He would rather stay anonymous as he fears his life, as Binga Ding(10) has been killing people who have been speaking out against him." Yes, The nation Stinga Ding is heading for an economic crisis. Inflation has gone up 10% in the past two years, which is terrible. Resource production is down, and when we were a part of the elites, we lost 50% of our money and 50%0 of our resources. We have lost over $1 Billion while being a part of the Elites for two years. We could have put this towards schooling or even the economy making it firmer, so we dont have to live in these times. This is our 3rd great recession in the past two years. It is time for a new presidential cabinet". Many people have the same belief as this anonymous author that are afraid of speaking their opinions. The Granchancoler President Binga Ding(10) will die soon, and The Nation of Stinga Ding will be great again. Thank you for reading this article, and have a great Day/Night


Stinga Ding has joined an alliance that is less strict on raiding laws.

When the elites started taxing most of their members, including The Nation of Stinga Ding, 50/50 taxes without telling the members. This made the sting ding nation's economy tank, and after a while, Stinga Ding wasn't getting most of the grants they were promised. Binga Ding(10) made the executive distinction, withdrew from the elites, and joined arrrgh with more lax raiding laws. The nation of Stinga Ding is most likely making up for the lost money and raids while in the elite alliance. The elites had strict rules on raiding, so it stopped the economic growth of Stinga Dings's Military sectors. 

Ever since Stinga Ding left the elites, they have seen massive increases in their military sector and decreased corruption, as the generals can see which of their subordinates have been corrupted by money. The corruption has been so bad that the armor just shipped out contained more cardboard than kevlar(BulletProof Material), Bullets dont fit the chambering rounds, and half the rockets are duds. The new NPKPSD Party wants to increase the funding to the military to win wars and to keep the nation protected in peacetime. They want to fix corruption across the country and have decided to innact an old law that was put in place 20 years ago. This will allow higher-ranking soldiers to kill lower-ranking soldiers in sight suspected of corruption. This will limit corruption in the military and other governments across the nation. This corruption problem has run rampant for the past 30 years, and the government hasn't done anything about it.

The nation of Stinga Ding was made by warlords that wanted anarchy for their enemies. It was inevitable to return to its roots and bring back attacking other nations for money, resources, and glory. Bing Ding(10) loves war. He would spend $400,000 a day looking for the country he could attack with very low repercussions against the nation; Bing Ding(10) is no stranger to nukes. He has allowed over 35 nuclear strikes against enemy nations. He shows no mercy to his enemies, just like the nation of Saudi Arabia offered no mercy to Stinga Ding when they were battling for independence. 

Stinga Ding has been upgrading its military at a surprising rate; they have brought back the tank division for the Marines, Army, and Artillery to make their operations on the ground smoother than they have been. The M2 Abrams was adopted from the united states to welcome them back the tanks to the Stinga Ding military. This will take away from the Navy's thought because they need steel to be maintained and built up for wars; the Navy is most important for the military. If they were not part of the military, plans would not be able to cross oceans in days. The Navy also kept the nation from being blockaded, making The government of Stinga Ding lose food and munitions to fight the war; this could draw an end to the war in the enemy's favor. If we have two units that need a particular resource simultaneously, it would be hard to pick which team gets that resource over the other. This rings true with steel; we need steel for ships and tanks. Ships are more critical than tanks during most of the war, but tanks can be more important than that ships when the ground soldiers are having a hard time claiming; they will need more tanks than vessels to help them claim land. Tanks would be more important than ships here, but steel is still their most expensive resource. Stinga Ding is already in an economic crisis, which cannot be suitable for income. Hopefully, we will have a new president before the end of this war because I dont want to see more people dead. Thank you for reading my articles, and have a great day.