Nation Bulletin

A Formal Demand to the Nation of the Commonwealth of Virginia

A Formal Demand for Immediate CoV Policy Change

By High Lord RoManic
10/05/2022 01:18 am
Updated: 10/05/2022 01:20 am

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From the Office of The Religious Foreign Affairs Director


The Ministers of Foreign Affairs, The High Priest, High Lord, General Government, and United Populace of Vulcanities Demands action be taken on the incredulous situation devolving in the most esteemed Commonwealth of Virginia. Under the Commonwealth a series of Catholics have been killed, presumed to be not by any fair trial a thinking man deserves, in an obvious violation of ethics, morality, and common sense. 

We Submit to this most esteemed government a fervent demand for their own safety, to issue a statement condemning their actions. While in Vulcanities a man can expect freedom to religion we do not expect the same of any other nation. However, killing, on the qualifications of religion is a step to far, and in the wrong direction. 

The Governmental Body of Vulcanities does request that this be submitted in 2 weeks' time via an open bulletin publication under pain of diplomatic retaliation. We urge you to reconsider your stance effective immediately. 

ONCE MORE, the government of Vulcanities will enforce the following standards and terms laid out here to the utmost extent. We have never engaged in motivated conflict or slander on any nation, and we have still not, but pending your apology every option stands open and clear. 



Link to the original bulletin: Virginia Stands Down, Offers Uranium Reserve, Catholics At Blame | Politics and War