Nation Bulletin

All about Dragovitia Part 2


10/03/2022 10:36 am
Updated: 10/03/2022 10:41 am

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Dialects of Dragovitian:


(Dark Green: Italian, greyish green: Bulgarian and North Macedonian, greyish Red: Albanian)

Dragovitian dialects can be split between:


Most of them are spoken in the DSR. However White Dragovitian Dialects are exclusively spoken in the Tsardom of Dragovitia. This country back then also held the territory of the DSR, having its capital in Borisgrad. Nowadays a city in the Tsardom, it used to be the name of Taograd back then. The Tsardom currently holds Sicily, Naples, Calabria in Europe, which used to be Italian possetions before the treaty of Neapol, which gave the Tsardom these territories, and the Congo Colony, which was aquired at the Congo Conference in 1885.

Dialects in detail:

Adiganu: This is the dialect, on which Standart Dragovitian is mostly based. It came to existance after the Attican Migration having the strongest Greek influence because of that.

Bepanu: This dialect is a bit more Serbian/Bosnian than Adiganu. And it has more Latin influences. It is spoken by about 1.1 Million people in the DSR making it fairly spoken

Ioniyu: This dialect has more Turkish and Persian influences due to Ottoman rule. However it won't survive the 21st century since there are very few speakers of Ioniyu left.

Leninovec: It is often considered to be Adiganu, but it doesn't have that many similarities. It is only spoken by a few people.

Ispalagenu: Like Leninovec, it is often considered as Adiganu. However it is similar of Adiganu. Nowadays there are about 2 Million speakers of Ispalagenu making it a popular dialect.

Minou: It has similarities to Egyptian Arab due to Arab controll over Crete. Nowadays it is spoken by about 4 Million people making it the most spoken Dragovitian Dialect besides the standard language.

Yugu/Aragoniyu/Trougbetu: These are the languages of Centeal Dragovitia. They are the middle ground between Serbian, Bulgarian and Turkish influences. They have greatly influenced standard Dragovitian about 2 Million People speak on of those dialects.

Croato-Dragovitian: This is the most Serbo-Croatian Dialect. 1 Million People can speak it

Magedonyu: Sometimes called Dragovite Macedonian, it is the hardest Dragovite dialect. About 0.7 Million people can speak it. It has strong influences from Bulgarian making it very unique

Eteru: this dialect is spoken by about 0.4 Million people.

Galabrinu/Naplinu/Sisilinu: All of these Dialects are commonly refered to as White Dragovitian, which is refered to as a separate language. Nearly 4.1 Million people speak one of these dialects.



Posted October 03, 2022 at 11:54 am

Yep can make one. 
