Nation Bulletin

The problem of the radiation

The radiation is deadly

By Dimitris doup (republic of Meg)
09/24/2022 11:07 am
Updated: 09/24/2022 11:07 am

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We make about 200 nukes a day and we  launch about 32 nukes a day to countrys in war. This is destroing our planet and it is poisoning our food for example in North america the food production has been decreesed by 32% and Europe is worse. Europe has decreeced food production By 37% all of this because of radiation. Europe and North america is in much more in danger than the rest of the world. What are we going to do in the winter when food production is going to decreese at least 25% because of the weather. Europe will have at least 62% less food production.

So to all of the countrys in the world especially europe and north america. First stop making Nuclear bombs, make it ilegal second of all open new farms in your cities so the food market has more stock for the winter and Third and the last one get money from your alliance (if you are cappable of) and invest it on farms 

Thank you for reading 

Dimitris doup 

Owner of the recycling center of nerom (republic of meg)


Posted September 24, 2022 at 9:19 am

Amazing everything you just said is stupid


Imma nuke someone in your name ;)

Posted September 24, 2022 at 7:46 pm

