Nation Bulletin

Official Centurian Address

CDF Alert Level Falls, Restrictions Eased

By President Heron
06/28/2021 09:15 pm
Updated: 06/28/2021 09:15 pm

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Citizens of Centuria.

Following a long period of hardship, the Centurian Defence Force is glad to announce that all restrictions are being eased, and Centuria is returning to standard peace-time regulations.

  • However, in the following 2 Weeks, CDF forces are expected to be withdrawing equipment and returning to Agrius Base. It is a Federal Offense to interfere with CDF operations, carrying a maximum penalty of a $250,000 fine and/or 10 years in a Federal Penitentiary. If CDF operations are interfering with other critical operations, contact the on-site officer. They can be identified by their officer's cap and uniform.
  • As per usual, access to Agrius Province is restricted, ensure that you have an appropriate travel permit, which can be obtained on ‘www.centuriandefenceforce.govt.ce/internal/permits’. Website access is restricted to devices within Centuria.

On Behalf Of Centuria, I Apologise For Any Inconveniences Caused Over This Period.

Centurian Executive Office - President Heron