Nation Bulletin

The Japanese Isles horrified after what Devlin did has no other choice but to declare war on them.


By General In Command Haruto Taji
09/10/2022 08:40 pm
Updated: 09/13/2022 12:19 pm

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It has been brought to my attention that the Devlin Republic has committed war crimes in one of it's wars, this is uncalled for and gross we will do anything to defeat the Devlin Empire of RoDevs. Both countries have already started hostilities against each other, I am thankful to say that the Isles are winning against Devlin Empire. I shall be heading back to my country today which I am getting reports from that we are currently winning.


Posted September 10, 2022 at 8:40 pm

Reusing a photo cause I can

Posted September 10, 2022 at 8:54 pm

By the way, it is not like you had to do with anything. You only did this because I said that I might seek getting involved in your raid war. You said they were inactive and I took it back. So, there is no need for this. Also, just to note, your reason for war was not even this in the declaration of war. Your declaration was "Play stupid games". So, even if this was true, it still counts this as propaganda.
