Nation Bulletin

Plane grounded in saarevaht

A plane left grounded in saarevaht county

By Pärnu News Broadcast (PNB)
09/07/2022 01:55 pm
Updated: 09/07/2022 01:55 pm

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Yesterday at Pärnu International Airport air traffic controllers diverted flight B347-c into saarevaht airport and grounded the aircraft for a prolonged period of time.

The flight ( B347-c ) was arriving from Dauchh Palki and due to new strict niohama regulations the plane was diverted and placed in an extended lockdown especially due to the flight being from an "infected" nation, This containment will hopefully result in zero infections in The Republic of Pärnu.

No niohama symptoms have been counted in the aircraft's passengers as of yet but The Republic of Pärnu has bought niohama test kits and have established research into developing a vaccine that might take months.

The plane is set to leave back to Dauchh Palki in 19 days from now.

"We urge Dauchh Palki passengers to reach out to The Dauchh Palki Embassy in the city of Pärnu and online if any problems arise" stated Pärnu City Mayor Joni Wenø.

if anything will arise we will notify the world as the quarantine continues.