Nation Bulletin

Niohama virus symptoms and new info

PBV announces guidelines to government

By Pärnu News Broadcast (PNB)
09/06/2022 01:09 pm
Updated: 09/06/2022 01:09 pm

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Recently Dauchh Palki post released information on this Niohama virus and it states that "Coughing, Sneezing, Sore Throat, Nausea, vomiting, burning pain in stomach and bottom area" Are all symptoms of the virus.

Pärnu Biochemical & Virology Lab 
Gives advice to government ministers on what they should do in the event of a Niohama virus outbreak in the country. not allot is known about this conversation but it's safe to assume that if this virus reaches Europe there will be lockdown and mandatory face masks as this virus can spread rapidly.

Along with this Hospitals in Pärnu are soon to upgrade and buy more ventilators and facilities in a bid to prepare for a worst case scenario.

Pärnu International Airport shuts down personal travel to and from mainland Asia and the North American continent while commercial trade flights are still in action. Pärnu officials urge stranded travellers to reach out to The Republic of Pärnu Embassy in person or online.

Planes already inbound to Pärnu are subjected to an intensive 20 day quarantine in saarevaht county island.

Several scientists have taken it upon themselves to travel to infected countries.