Nation Bulletin


Anarchists in Pärnu parade through the city

By Pärnu Times
09/06/2022 01:03 pm
Updated: 09/06/2022 01:04 pm

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Anarchists in Pärnu city riot against police and climb buildings as they wave the anarchist flag.



"I was simply walking out of the supermarket in downtown Pärnu ( city ) and then I see these people in all black shouting and throwing stuff, I was a bit intimidated so I left, after that I see police cars speed to where I just were" Stated a Pärnu local.

in response to this the government of Pärnu declared "independent anarchist zones" within Pärnu city allowing for the dissolution of police and surveillance within that area.

it should be noted that Aino Rebane the Prime Minister of Pärnu in her youth was an anarchist activist and such is sympathetic to the cause.

Whispers among the population and parliament are that the flag of Pärnu needs an anarchist symbol in support of this movement although Aino has remained silent on this so far.