Nation Bulletin

General Pito mugged by anti war protestor

Shocking news to the country

09/04/2022 01:35 am
Updated: 09/04/2022 01:50 am

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General Pito was off duty when he wandered into a crowd of anti war protestors. One of the organizers recognized him and attacked him. Pito organized the naval forces and blew his house up the following day.



You get what you get and you don't get upset.


"It was good training. Not my property anyway," remarked one of the naval officers.


In other news, General Bradley watches his army die for money, a man evades his taxes of twelve dollars, and the police get bribed with a million Venezuelan bolivars.


Government blows a million dollars on baseball team, that one guy from work outraged 

"Those were my tax dollars! I earned 10 dollars last week and you blew it on what? Baseball is the most boring sport I can think of."

The team currently has a win/loss ratio of 3-10. Jared Lito, the star of the team, seems to be performing poorly.