Alliance Bulletin


The Legion Celebrates First Anniversary of Founding in Orbis

Deemed "Legion Day"

By Legate Istandor
06/23/2021 12:26 pm
Updated: 07/18/2021 12:09 am

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The Legion celebrates first anniversary

On May 31 2021, the Legion celebrated our first birthday in Orbis. Deemed “Legion Day”, we invited several of our closest allies and friends to participate in a group voice chat, activities, and awards. The Legion exists as a monument to our motto: “Unity is Strength”. Over the last 16 years of our existence as a gaming community we have worked, celebrated, and mourned with countless Legion. Even throughout Orbis you will find veteran players who once were Legion, generally from our Cybernations branch. We welcome all players from all walks of life to take up the purple and find a welcoming community that they will always be a part of.


We also celebrated with the awarding of honors to Legionnaires. Nominated by and voted on by their fellow Legion, these members have been deemed outstanding legionnaires in various fields:

“Spammiest Legionnaire” - Marcellus

“Funniest Legionnaire” - Xineoph

“Most Serious Legionnaire” - deathbiter

“Most Active Legionnaire” - Marcellus

“Awesome!” - Uncle Iroh

“Best Avatar” - Uncle Iroh

“Secret Despot” - KiWilliam

“Most Warlike” - Charles XIV

“Most Peaceful” - David Ben-Gurion

“Most Improved Legionnaire” - The_Impaler1
“Breakout Legionnaire” - Mauritius

“Legionnaire of the Year” - Istandor

Congratulations to those awarded, and thank you to all that celebrated with us for Legion Day 2021.


For the Legion,


Consul of Economic Affairs


Posted June 24, 2021 at 5:29 am

Congratulations to all the winners of the most secure election we've ever had.

Posted June 24, 2021 at 6:41 am

Congrats guys

Posted June 29, 2021 at 4:14 pm


Posted July 01, 2021 at 1:17 am

Xineoph I love you.
