Nation Bulletin

Air Pokeland launches flights from Takawa to Leningrad in the Indian SSR

This will connect Pokeland to the Indian SSR

By Hirohito Togepi
08/22/2022 04:58 pm
Updated: 08/22/2022 04:59 pm

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State-Owned Airline Air Pokeland has launched flights from Takawa to Leningrad , the capital of the Indian SSR. As per the demand of the Indian SSR , Pokeland proposed Air Pokeland for launching flights into the Indian SSR. Making this the first Pokese flight to fly to the Indian Subcontinent.

Indian SSR (formerly known as Free Land) was an ally of Pokeland. Their country has supported most of Pokeland's decisions. They demanded flights from Pokeland into their nation. Staunchly agreeing to their decision , Air Pokeland , launched flights from Takawa to Leningrad. The third country in Orbis , where Pokeland launched flights to. After Novaya Rimskaya Imperiya and Communist Britain.

Air Pokeland has estimated to launch flights into Kharinin , the capital of Sovjetski Soyuz , or use it as a layover stop for flights to Communist Britain. 

Pokeland says that going from Pokeland to the Indian SSR will take free Visa Access.