Nation Bulletin

Pokeland's spies bomb the city of Hoven , to dissuade Strufav from trials of high-ranking generals

Pokeland has warned Strufav to not harm the generals , and with ignorance , Pokeland's spies bomb Hoven city.

By Yuri Charizard
08/22/2022 09:15 am
Updated: 08/22/2022 09:15 am

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Pokemon's Espionage Agency has sent in spies to destroy the city of Hoven , major bulidings that made up 23% of Hoven's infrastructure , were destroyed.

Strufav has ignored Pokeland's warnings , and as a result , Pokeland threatens them by killing their leader , Communist Britian threatens to burn Strufav if Pokeland came under attack , Pokeland responded to Strufav by bombing the city of Hoven.

Pokeland sanctions them by mentioning in the Pokese passport to visit any other country except Strufav. And if any Communist nation came under impact , Pokeland will bring in the UCR (Union of Communist Republics) , the UPJ and the Trilateral Security and Trade Dialogue , consisting of Communist Britain and the Indian SSR alongside Pokeland.
