Nation Bulletin

Nebelystan declares parts of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan as own territory

Nebelonian News Network

By Harleen Quinzel
08/20/2022 11:43 pm
Updated: 08/20/2022 11:43 pm

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The Bundeskanzler Nebel III rapidly expanded its nation in an extreme pace. After having succeeding in the First Turkmen-Nebelonian War, aswell as the Afghan-Tali-Nebelonian War, the people of Turkmenistan were wanting their old land back and declared war on Nebelystan.

Nebel III replies: "We mustn't let this happen. We'll not be known as the punching bag of Asia! We're stronger! We're smarter! We're better! WE ARE BETTER!

Ein Hoch auf NEBELONIEN!"

Land Amount After Conflict:


After many civil wars and global conflicts later, Nebelystan was once again declared war on by the Turkmen Government. They're wanting to regain old land, that they lost to in the first war. 

Beginning Footage of Second Turkmen-Nebelonian War:


Mid-footage: 97b40b5894d6a180ed97d476200c4d0ecacd422dx770.pngEnding Footage:


After defeating Turkmenistan once again, they fully annexed all of Turkmenistan. In the first conflicts they were fighting to survive and protect their families from the dictator of Turkmenistan. But in the second conflict, all of it went to Nebelystan.

Some years later, Iran provided aid to the rebel group of Turkmenistan.

And there was an all-out brawl between Iran, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan (!@#$ controlled) and Nebelystan. When the conflict ended, there were agreements on where the new borders were layed.

Size Difference between Old Nebelystan and New Nebelystan:


Nebel III says: "Hopefully we'll stay out of conflict for the next decades, even centuries." 


Posted August 22, 2022 at 1:45 am

Yo King Nebel returns to the bulletins

Posted August 25, 2022 at 10:48 am

This meme is good.

Posted September 11, 2022 at 8:52 pm

More actions here !
