Nation Bulletin

Updates on Milania HV-372 Outbreak

Good and Bad News

By Rimskaya State Publication Committee (R.S.P.C.)
08/07/2022 10:51 am
Updated: 08/07/2022 10:51 am

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Alright, so the good news is the disease has so far been unable to escape the city. The acid and barbed trench has kept infected specimens inside the city, and air-disinfectant has prevented the virus from escaping in the atmosphere. The water supply to and from the city has been completely cut off.

The bad news is, the virus has not been successfully cured in the city using the disinfectants, so Democraticus has ordered a very precarious mission: He will send in a quick response team to capture a specimen to study the viral pathogen and try developing a cure in a secure facility far from civilization located in [REDACTED]. After this, the city will be bombed with missiles, followed by a rain of napalm to make sure the virus dies with its infected slaves. Once the city is confirmed to be clear, it will thoroughly cleansed and cleared, and rebuilt and repopulated as quickly as possible to resume its assistance in the preparation for war.

In the meantime, via a different method, the National Government has informed the people of the final nationwide contingency for a near-collapse war scenario. A sort of, self-infection, that will help Rimskaya's people. They may not seem so human in appearance afterwards, but it might just be the strength we need to win a war with the Insurgency.


Posted August 07, 2022 at 10:58 pm

No, it's a different one, that really isn't even natural.

Posted August 08, 2022 at 12:07 am

You're lucky we collected some before readying the bombers. On their way now.
