Nation Bulletin

First day of the J8 goes mostly smoothly but tensions rise.

The first day of the J8 has passed and went mostly smoothly, but the appearance of some violent groups and the strengthening of security are increasing tensions.

By The Nutella Times
08/02/2022 01:26 pm
Updated: 08/02/2022 01:29 pm

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The first day of the J8 in Florentium has concluded. No major incident was reported to happen as the first day processions marched peacefully, chanting slogans and songs against neoliberalism, globalization, destruction of the environment and so on and so forth. Other processions have been confirmed for the next 2 days. Furthermore millions of people attended the protests, prompting the occupation of even more schools.

be6dbbb6546ab2ee32226c3fbecf79b7a3227554x437.jpg (Lilliput web procession)


(ATTAC procession)


(Concert at the end of the enviroleague procession)

Unfortunately however, not all was smooth sailing. Some news outlets of dubious truthfulness have reported that some protesters would float balloons with HIV-infected blood over the police agents and blow them up with blowguns, some claimed they'd throw fruit with blades in them and so on, however one fact that is true is the appearance within the protests of unauthorized groups, most notably the anarchist Black Bloc, within the protests, these groups are known for their violent acts but have close to no affiliation to the protesters which often tried to distance themselves.


(Black Blocs infiltrated in the protest)

As a result the police has decided to strengthen its forces to 20'000 officers from the army, police and the Carabinierii, establishing 3 zones of varying security levels: red zone with high security, yellow zone with medium security, and a green zone with nominal security. The red zone has been turned in a real fortress, with even some Ground-to-air missile systems guarding the airport, manholes were sealed within the zone, residents needed a permit and identification to enter and public transport within the zone was prohibited. Furthermore the police were equipped with the "Tonfa" a T-shaped truncheon capable of breaking bones, reason why it has to be treated with the same precautions as a pistol, furthermore use of the CS4 tear gas was authorized despite it being banned for the use of war by the Cassation court and the International Rights Court due to it causing severe burns in the lungs, eyes, nose and more, however due to some bureaucratic mechanisms this gas would be legal for use in regards to managing public order. News has also surfaced that the police have prepared over 500 bodybags.  Some, particularly those on the left, have criticized this as excessive and needlessly causing tensions which might lead to major issues but the Chief of Security has dismissed all concerns.


(Police fortifications and presence around the red zone)


(Ground-to-Air system installed in defense of the airport)



(Map of day 2 of the J8 and related protests)


Posted August 02, 2022 at 1:29 pm

So what do you think of furries?

Posted August 02, 2022 at 2:06 pm

I don't care about furries. Their life their choice as long as they don't harm anyone.
