Nation Bulletin

Close Ally Delivers Speech Before Government.

To Quell Rising Tensions in the Legislature.

By Rimskaya State Publication Committee (R.S.P.C.)
07/31/2022 07:13 pm
Updated: 07/31/2022 07:13 pm

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(Commissar Democraticus' Face is censored in the image for confidentiality reasons. Only those in the Government actually know what he looks like, as he kept his identity hidden during the Revolution against the USA back in 2020 and has not disclosed it for protection against potential foreign assassins. When in public he typically wears a face covering and uncensored photography of his face is prohibited.)

A close ally of Rimskaya, who has asked to remain anonymous, sent a speech to the Rimskaya Legislature regarding "Project Aequitas". Commissar Democraticus read it himself as the new nation did not want to send a formal representative to maintain anonymity. Necessary redactions have been made to protect confidential information. Edits are made in Red.

Good morning to one and all. I salute to you, members of the Rimskayan Senate, members of any subcommittee with relevance to the vote, Maximus Democraticus. My speech today has, encompassed within, a subject matter of the utmost relevance to this great country. The vote on a new government (Presumably referring to the Aequitas Future Alliance) with new economic, political, and ideological structure. I firmly believe that such change is unnecessary, excessive, and if anything should be countered with a swing in the opposite direction. Yes, the people of Rimskaya are angry but they know not where to put their anger. They know not where to direct their passion for freedom and democracy. If the people know not, then surely the representatives of such a great United tribe shall know what to do. The thought crosses my mind however that they know not what they say. They know not what they do. I, in no means, want to insult or degrade the mighty force of freedom that is this legislative body. I would rather like to point it in a direction that makes most sense. The forces that be are, from my understanding, rooted in two different causes. One of conservativeness and one of change. This change is directed towards the ideas of Socialism and collectivization. The conservative group has opposed this in all capacities and would like to see the same government and policies that have led Rimskaya throughout these years stay. They would like to see the traditional values upheld and the traditional flame kept live. Both sides bring up valid and invalid points but this word both is the problem. There are never two sides to a conflict, nearly all conflicts are three dimensional and yes when you look to the surface you see a square but look underneath and you find 5 more sides to it. The way I and my branch of the legislation committee have begun to see it there are really three major sides to this war of words. The first being the conservatives. The second being the Socialist and other associated reformers. (At this point some members started expressing discontent with hearing this. Later interviews detailed the confusion over what was being called "conservative versus socialist" like there were alt-rights in the government and that those who weren't members of the emerging Rimskayan Revolutionary Council; R.R.C., weren't true Rimskayans. No major disruptions occurred at any point during the address.) The last being a new move towards something greater than before, an opportunity for a hope, a dream and freedom like never before. Before I get into this New Dream as my peers, and I say I would like to address the heart of the issue. Project Aequitas. The newfound split in this chamber has mainly stemmed from this key point. Project Aequitas which is a new organization with a new touch after the scrapping of Project Demeter. Demeter was based on a lot of the same qualities new radicals in the senate are pushing for an extension of. The only problem was it was slow, inefficient, and lacked a plan for a successful push of this. It had a main goal of stabilizing one market, food, at a heavy price to many of the people involved. This isn’t to say it didn’t have upside, just a few flaws were evident. After new blood came in and a rework was put in order the Project rebranded. This is where the new Project comes in. [REDACTED]. This is advantageous for everyone involved and plans are getting made for a new Alliance to be made! This is Rimskaya’s future, this is your future, this is the world's future. All that's needed is for Rimskaya to pass the legislation that will maintain the status of Rimskaya within Aequitas (Currently no such legislation is at vote or in production, but we believe this refers to if the R.R.C. gained enough popularity to try and vote Rimskaya out of or change the Project). Though, like I said, there is still one more option to staying in Aequitas and this New Dream we are building. Rimskaya is at such a unique point of political crossing that they could go any which way. They could take this new bill on Aequitas one step farther and pursue the option of becoming something me and my peers call [REDACTED]. This is, however, a mere suggestion. I would be ecstatic with anything that passes the bill. At this important time hopefully Rimskaya can see through the fog and acknowledge the potential of Project Aequitas! I thank you all for the opportunity to give such a speech to the full senate and legislature of the Rimskayan People. 


Although the speech resonated well with some, many people on both sides of the Aequitas Debate felt that something was left to be desired, and a few of those not in the R.R.C. said they even felt mildly insulted at being called "conservative". The R.R.C. released a separate statement later saying that the speech details exactly how Aequitas had basically become a massive wannabe multi-national corporation, some members even suggesting that there's an entire shadow council working, and that they will continue to work to advance Aequitas down what they call "The People's Path" rather than the opposing "Rich Man's Path". Democraticus was not amused by these claims as Rimskayans demand government transparency at all times and have the passion to revolt if they so choose. The lockdown is scheduled to conclude by November 2078, but nobody knows for sure. Some feel confident considering the sudden global unity against the Furry Menace, but the State is not taking any chances for now.
